Ballroom Brawl

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As the group enters the auditorium, they see that the speech is starting. "Hello." A familiar man on the stage says. "I'll keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step. For now you will all sleep in the ballroom as your initiation begins tomorrow." From there Ozpin walks of stage leaving a sea of students heading to the ballroom.

"He seemed cheerful." Qrow jokes.

Later that night the group had split, leaving Iroh and Summer by themselves once again. They are in the ballroom with their sleeping bags set up next to each other. Summer was laying on her sleeping bag writing a letter while Iroh reads a book next to her. After a few moments Iroh looks over.

"What are you writing?" Iroh asks.

"Just a letter to mom and dad." She says.

Iroh chuckles "Well tell them I said hi please."

"Of course." Summer giggled. The moment was ruined by yelling from right outside the ballroom. Neither could tell what was being said but they had an idea of who they were. Iroh stands up and walks over two the door only for one of them to be blasted of  its hinges with Qrow in the wreckage.

"That was a cheep move sis." He says getting himself up out of the rubble. "You want a fight? Alright, let's fight!" Iroh was about to stop him, but Qrow dashes quickly activating his weapon that was previously sheathed behind his back. Once activated his weapon turned into the sword he calls Harbinger. Raven quickly draws her blade, Omen, a sword with a rotary chamber filled with six types of Dust blades. The two quickly separated as they dash at each other again at blinding speed, over and over around the room. Finally Raven gets the upper hand in one of their locks but Qrow moves away casing her to almost stab another student. She quickly recovers and goes to strike Qrow again only to trip on a bystanders legs causing her to stumble. Qrow thinks quickly, disarming his sister and punching her square in the face. This only enraged Raven more, but before the two could attack each other again, Iroh blasted a large flaming wall between them for a second. This gains their attention.

"THAT IS ENOUGH! If you want to fight do it out side!" Iroh then points to the kid that had almost been skewered. "You almost got him killed!" Summer was quivering a bit. She never liked it when Iroh yelled. His voice would always give her this image of a General or a warrior. It was commanding and strong. In fact Summer could see Qrow slightly shaking. Iroh sighs trying to calm himself. "What caused this fight?" Iroh asks simply.

Qrow and Raven look at each other nervously, but Raven decides to speak up. "We had a disagreement about our father." She says. Iroh could tell there was a lot more to it then that, but Iroh decided to leave it be due too the crowd around them.

Among the students a girl with a fair complexion, in a white Chiton secured by a  gold button with a symbol resembling a clock harboring a strange flower pattern at the center. Her caramel hair was braided over one shoulder, and her lilac eyes seemed to have a slight glow to them. She reached out her left palm to the broken door and the area gave a silver glow. It then began to go back into place the same exact way it had been broken. She then sighed, before looking to the Branwen Twins.

"Please be more careful, you could have hurt someone or even yourselves." Her voice was soft and soothing, as if it could ease ones soul just by being heard. Upon her words Raven and Qrow looked away from each other in shame. The rest of the night was mostly uneventful aside from a small forced apology.

Once the morning came around Summer and Iroh were getting their weapons ready in the locker room. Iroh opens his locker to see the weapon his mother, Lavender gave to him. Sol Casia. It is a black and orange marksman rifle that has the ability to shift into a trident. On the side is a symbol of a open book with a lavender flower. Summer inspects her weapon, Aurora Rose. Once she's satisfied she puts it into her sheath before looking to her brother.

"I still can't believe Mom let you have her weapon." Summer giggles.

"I tried to refuse, but she said 'I'm not letting you go to the academy without a weapon' so now it's here if I need it."

"She didn't think your overly awesome semblance was enough?"

"I guess not, but I can't complain." Iroh shrugs. He then puts it in a sheath before facing Summer fully. "She just wants to make sure we're safe is all."

Summer snorts. "In this case I think it was just you."

Iroh laughs. "I guess so."

The intercom then goes off as Professor Ozpin speaks. "To All first year's at this time, please head to the cliff for your initiation. Thank you."

Summer offers her fist for a fist bump. "You ready Iroh?" She asks cheerfully.

Iroh smiles. "Ready as always." He replies bumping his fist to hers.

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