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"Last best they always say innit?"

"I think they do Eddie," Louis giggles and Edward looks at him amused.

That boy is so cute with his giggles and sassy personality. He is stubborn as hell, but Edward knows he is stubborn as hell also so thats a... match?

He wishes they would've met the omega sooner, they honestly adore the boy.

They are on their way to what is a suprise to louis, also known as the date. Marcel and Harry are working so Edward saw this day as the chance to take Lou on the date he promised he would go on.

"Where are we going?" The smaller one asks, swinging their interwined fingers back and forth.

"Its a suprise petal," Edward grins, knowing the boy won't be satisfied with that answer.

"Ugh you and your suprises."

"It will be worth it when you see it."

"It better be."


"Oh hell yes its worth it!" The omega squeals when he sees where they are. They are at the beach. Not just a normal beach, the well known beach in London with amazing activities like wall climbing, a huge chocolate fountain and skydiving!

"Eddie you are the best!" The Omega claps his hands, jumping into Edward's arms.

"I know petal," the taller lad chuckles, rubbing the happy boy his back.

"Where are we waiting for? Let's go!" He drags along the taller lad to the chocolate fountain, it will be a awesome day!


And it was. After skydiving, climbing the walls twice and eating lots of chocolate the omega fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Edward smiles down at the sleeping figure and holds his hand in his. "I love you petal, I want you to know that."

He didn't miss the lips of the smaller boy turning into a smile...


Its the last week of the courting. Everyone is nervous, even Louis. He's sure he loves the triplets, but they don't know one thing from his past he needs to tell before they can mate and live a wonderful life.

He is scared that the triplets will leave once they hear it, but deep in his heart he knows they won't, cause they told him they love him and well, that's pretty obvious.

He decided to talk about it with his best friend he didn't spoke with for the last weeks, aka the fake blonde leprechaun.

He invited the boy over since Marcel and Harry are working and Edward is in the office, working on some stuff he knows nothing about but hey, he doesn't even want to know it honestly.

"Hey ni," the omega tells the other when the doorbell rings and he opened the door.

"Hey Lou, how is it going?"

"Pretty well, what about you? How are Li and Z?"

They sit down and Louis gives him a cup of tea. "They are doing great! Missing you lots though, can't say I don't feel the same."

He pats the fake blonde his shoulder. "Sorry Ni, I was ehm busy."

"With dating the triplets? Spill the tea."

So he told him about everything, included his concerns.

"They have the right to know Lou but they won't leave you, they love you. People who don't know you can tell by the look of their eyes they are smitten."

"I just can't seem to let it go."

"Then I think it's time to talk with them about it."


So there the omega is currently, in their room. It's theirs now since the night of the 'fight'. Louis couldn't seem to sleep by himself anymore, in need of the Alpha's their presence.

Niall left a couple of hours ago and they just had dinner. Its pretty late already, 8pm but Marcel had a evening shift so that's why they ate late.

"What's wrong love? Its clear something is bothering you," Harry says, pulling the omega closer and lifting him up to sit on his lap.

On his left side Edward is sitting, looking at the omega worried. Louis is always so bubbly and happy, what is wrong with him?

Marcel is on his right side, holding one of the Omega's hands in his.

"The month is almost over," Louis begins, the others listening closely.

"I know you love me and you must know I really like you too, but I can't say the three words yet, not before I told you all something that happened in my past," his voice goes weaker.

The others steal a glance. "Whatever it is, you can tell us," Edward says, resting a hand on Louis' head.

The omega nods. "I know, that's what I want to do now."

"Whenever you're ready, petal."


What secret does Louis have? Will it affect their relationship?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒔' 𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒍 (𝑺𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒔+𝑳𝒐𝒖𝒊𝒔)✔︎Where stories live. Discover now