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*warning* mention of cheating


"Since childhood I have been dreaming of getting a mate, getting married and having children.

When I was presented as omega, I was happy. I was finally able to find my soulmate, my alpha.

I was young and naive and wanted an alpha so badly that I didn't think," he sighs, what a time that was.

"I went to parties I didn't like, to cafes and went out with friends. anything to make the 16 year old me happy and with the hope of finding that one alpha.

But boy was I wrong with doing that. People took advance of it, I've always had a strong scent so that didn't made it easier.

I went out with friends often and that's why I got that job at the bar and of course I was happy with that despite the Alpha's hitting on me. They weren't my soul mates, I knew that but I couldn't leave, I had to pay the rent once on the apartment I had with Liam, Zayn and Niall.

I had met them a few weeks before but that is unimportant.

After a while I got a boyfriend who made me so happy than I could ever imagine

I was so blinded by his sweet demeanor and all his attention that I couldn't see he wasn't the one.

After two years of dating, I caught him cheating and it broke me down. I'm saving you the details for now because it's hard to talk about it, now so many years later." The triplets meanwhile hug him.

Louis wipes away his tears. "I felt so stupid, so stupid that I thought love existed, that I would get a mate.

I kept working at the bar and found that if i kept doing this I would never be happy. Then I decided to work at the nursery too.

Niall, Z and Li eventually brought me back on top and supported me, just on my bad days where all I did was scold them. I still regret that but that is now all good.

I didn't believe in love anymore, despite that I moved on.

Until you came into the bar, Edward. You felt different, made me feel safe and made me realize that the time was there, I had met my soul mate.

But it still didn't feel complete, I was missing something. That’s what happened when I saw you, Harry. You came to pick up Joey and part of me asked how many of you existed, the other had a puzzle piece of what I was missing from Edward.

But it still wasn't ready, and that's what happened when I bumped into you, Marcel," I smile at them and they return it, still listening closely.

You made me smile like no one else could. Edward make me giggle like there was no tommorow and Harry made my eyes shine bright again.

I want to thank you for that, but there is also a disadvantage.

I no longer trust people, and even though I am moved on, I still go to therapy. I want to say that I need time and you must be patient.

It’s weird because it feels like I already want to do everything with you and say I love you because I do but it takes time.

I trust you and don't want to compare you to him-"

Edward then kisses the omega. "We understand you, Petal," Edward tells him.

"We will make sure you will feel like you deserve, loved." Harry continues

"And we will be patient and give you time, support you with everything and love you," Marcel finishes.

He hugs them tight. "Thank you Alpha's, I like you."

"We love you," they say in unison.

They loved each other, and nothing will ever change that...


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