^14. Watch this Josh^

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That's Simi in the picture above. Isn't she cute😌?

You may continue 🙏😊💁.....


"I thought you said number four was confusing you?" I tell yenrovwo who is seated beside me on the bed. He came in earlier because he didn't understand a question in mathematics.

"No, I just remembered what my teacher said in my class. She said that if my sister has five oranges and I have two oranges but we were meant to find the total of our oranges together, it will be seven...sister rume, I know it naa...I'm now a big boy" He says and smiles wildly knowing that he got the answer correctly. For his mind naa...

"See your mouth..." I playfully flick his mouth making him giggle. I grab onto him and hug his tiny frame trailing kisses all over his face. He giggles the more and starts tickling me by the sides of my waist.

"Noo, stop...mmhh ok, I'll..ahh, I...I HAVE STOPPED KISSING YOU NAA!!!" I shout to the top of my voice knowing pretty well that I'm afraid of tickles. Tickles are just the worst, I would prefer the overtight hugs, maybe.

He continued tickling and stopped just from the sound of the door. We turned our heads to the direction of the door and spotted nnena whose staring at the both of us awkwardly.

She sighs. "What are you people doing?"Nnena chuckles a little before she walks into the room.

"Is it not sister rume that is kissing me anyhow..." Yenrovwo sneaks another tickle by the sides of my belly making me giggle a little.

"Commo stop that(stop that)" I playfully warn him while holding my laughter.

Nnena laughs the more and finally stops. "Anyways, rume...Your lesson teacher is here or let me say tutor," She gives me that 'You dont want to be late' look and leaves the room.

"Yenrovwo, I have a lesson now. Don't worry, we would play later yehh" I say to him stroking his hair a little before he stood up from the bed.

"Okay..." He smiles brightly before storming out of the room with his school note in his hands.

I on the other hand starts gathering all my needs for the lesson before heading to the lesson room. I opened the door and saw a man sitting on one of the chairs going through a book.

Immediately I stepped a foot inside the room he turned his head and glared at me, but there was something fishy in his stare. He scanned me from up to down, then down to up before meeting my eyes.

He smirked, "Hello there...", I don't know, but even his greeting was weird. Rather the way he said it was weird.

"Ohh Good afternoon sir," I politely reply and adjusted my mask well before going to the black desk by the wall. I wear my glasses and brought out some exercise notes that I would be using for the lesson.

"So what's your name, I don't think I should be asking you that knowing pretty well that that's the first thing you were supposed to say when you walked in," He says and shoves his hands in his pockets.

Heiii, see this man ooo...

I held in my laughter covering it up with a surprised look and spoke, "But sir, if I must say, you're actually the one that's meant to introduce yourself first, Mr. Tutor" I smirk at my small speech making sure to highlight and emphasize the 'Mr. Tutor' very well. No, but just tell me, am I lying?. I mean, which teacher does that?

He blinks at my outburst before standing up from the chair he was sitting on. That was when I noticed my tutor, that was when I noticed how he looked.

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