Vol. 2, Chapter 12: Friendly Faces in a Sea of Thieves

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I have been sailing for some time now. It isn't very often I come across friendly faces, but today was different. I sailed back to Golden Sands outpost to talk to the barkeep about Ranga's whereabouts.

She tipped me off that he had been seen on Lone Cove. I had gained some loot on the way back and pawned it off too. I met a dark skinned man who was quite burly, with ginger hair in a mohawk and beard. He spoke a language I couldn't understand and scared me quite a bit. In a panic, I shot him in the gut, slashed him one, and left him for dead. A cowardly move methinks looking back on it... But it was the heat of the moment. I had no desire to die and couldn't understand him.

 I sailed past Cannon Cove and surveyed the waters, only to see that The Big Anchor's ruins were gone! Surely as Ranga worked with the Reapers before, they must have helped him repair his ship. I got to Lone Cove and sure enough, I found a message in a bottle - curiously guarded by a skeletal captain - containing two things. 

The riddle Ranga and I followed, and a Merchant's order to Lonely Isle. Where he was, where he will be. Clever Ranga that one! However, as I sailed, a rather easy to kill giant shark fought me. Its loot was nice. What was not nice however was the skeletal sloop that streamed in immediately after, only to be sank by me with ease! I got near Lonely Isle only to see a skeletal galleon creeping around! I then realized that this be the fabled galleon which housed 4 skeletal cap'n's! And that they had invaded Lonely Isle!

The fight on Lonely Isle was ferocious. Not 1 but 2 uninvited cap'n's came and I nearly lost me life no less! It was a hard fought battle but in the end, despite my clothes being ripped once more, I bested them all. E'en found a note from Ranga telling me to meet him at a certain island very soon, and I also found skeleton's orders to Crook's Hollow. It's then I saw a rowboat coming my way... Carrying the mercantile ginger man.

"I brought this Rowboat for you! I live nearby and don't need it!" I quickly sped off, firing a warning shot right near his head. I used my telescope to look back at him, only to hear a bell ring ahead --- WAIT! A GALLEON! 

I was about to ram it! It was the end I thought, carrying a 3rd grade Emissary flag to no avail! But, we narrowly missed and began speeding opposite directions. It was quite the rush, I must say. But yo ho! I came then to Crook's Hollow, only to find a sinking sloop in the bay! I checked, and found plenty of loot in their sunken ship, bringing my grade to rank 4. I had recently been awarded the title of Mystic Chief, though in grade I was still an Emissary of the Mystic Apprentices and not of the Emissary Chief rating yet or even Mercenary. 

It's then that I realized a rowboat was sailing up to me... Empty?

Wait. No. He's still on it. Repeating claims of bringing a rowboat for me, as he lived on Crook's Hollow I suppose. He called himself Wolf and we began talking. I apologized to him for the violence earlier, and commended him on his survival. It turns out he is quite the capable fellow, and has sailed for decades even! A veteran of the seas, a pirate legend even! Wolf was quite the achiever if I do say. I have only 3 years experience to my name, hardly much to brag about . He told me stories of his bloodthirsty crew, the battles they had, and, interestingly, toxicity at sea. 

It was an enlightening conversation. He apparently even once shot people down for a living, like an 'arena'. He said crews for the sport were awfully negative, and many sailors are needlessly bloodthirsty. Words after me own heart! Something I sorely wish would change in the people at sea, but alas. The world runs in its own mysterious ways. I appreciated his words. He even told me about the vast riches he had amassed over the decades. He even taught me a trick or two.

I won't forget Wolf. If I ever run into him at sea, he definitely has my respect. After he went off into the interior of the island, I went underground. Cleared out the caves of the entire set of crews present! All the captains fell easily to me. And, it was enough to max out my Emissary flag! I booked it to Plunder Outpost as fast as I could, angling sails for maximum speed! Quickly I arrived and unloaded as fast as I could. It seems I pleased the Order very dearly, as they claimed I deserved to be boosted up a grade - An Emissary Apprentice no longer was I, but a Mystic Chief, Emissary of the Mystic Mercenaries. Now I was really picking up steam. 

It feels good to get promoted. I feel as though this truly marks the end of this leg of my adventure. For this past year I have worked as a member of the Order of Souls, and now I have advanced. Another chapter of my life is set to begin, as I sailed around a castaway much worse than ever before, only to bounce right back in a most glorious manner! My clothes are in much better shape, showers were given, and I feel like a new man (And cleaner than I have in ages)! 

Between my insane journey to reunite with Ranga, my enlightening meeting with Wolf, and my promotion to Emissary Mercenary, my head was spinning. My life had certainly taken a crazy turn, and I'm just glad I survived it all. And so, this testament to the first year of my life as a member of the Order of Souls lay in this tavern at Plunder Outpost, for all to read. I shall start my new journal detailing my rising through the ranks of the Order of Souls, until one day I reach the status of Champion of the Order of Souls! 

I don't think I'll ever be the same again. 

This is Mark The Attuned, Mystic Chief, Emissary of Mystic Mercenaries, signing off and sailing out.

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