Chapter 16: Emissary Opportunities?

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Greetings, friends. It so came to be that Cap'n Ranga and I were headed on a mission for the Order of Souls. He had started to climb the ladder as I was, and earned his first more difficult mission from them. 4 pirate lords all on one island together! To Crook's Hollow we went, in his dark wooded n' gilded ship - The Big Anchor. He sailed, and as he did, I found out something quite interesting about him. It seems that he is a martial artist, which I did not know! He claims to be a Master of the VDXXXIII ((5533rd)) order.

He apparently did some rather smooth talking, as his roamings with Pendragon and I allowed him a sword similarly able to read minds. I suppose while we cannot read minds like the Madam's can, we have enchanted weapons to bridge the gap. We went, but as we did, as per usual, a shark attacked! I believe that The Big Anchor must have some sort of shark reputation because the megalodons always tail it without fail. This shark however was barely a meg, and fell with ease. We then realized a Brigantine was heading our way, full speed ahead! Captain Ranga perceived this as a threat, and though I offered to raise the alliance flag he said to start sailing as he was about to begin firing. That works for me, heheh. I ain't the one sinking em and I'm not the cap'n of this ship neither.

We fought hard, and I dodged as many cannonballs as I could, though at one point I got knocked off the wheel! In the end I was able to dodge more than they, as our sloop was nimble indeed, and Ranga had true aim from practice - WE LED THE MEN TO A WATERY GRAVE! One boarded us but I swiftly slashed him, Ranga coming up the steps and impaling him on his glowing blue blade and booting him off the side of the ship. Poor fool even hit his head on the anchor on the way down. Then, sure enough, the quest was easy between the two of us. The skeletons were dispatched with ease, and we found many secrets about the island. We triggered a series of strange events and skeletons I had not seen before, dyed a deep green. We dispatched them all and got extra treasure no less! It was quite the haul to take back and I believe we made close to 15,000 gold this adventure! 

Ye see, this adventure was a test for us both - Could I, a Mystic Hunter, aid a spotlessly new Mercenary on his first true fight? And could he indeed succeed in such a fight? We both passed. Our reputation has certainly started to grow with the Order of Souls! They then decided to send me on another quest, this one solo. I was to go to 4 islands total, and kill 8 skeletal captains and their respective crews! Indeed this was an adventure that was hard fought, and I was a ragged mess when I finished it in truth - But then, furthermore, they had me take on a ghost fleet directly afterward. I was a complete disaster, and The Skeleton's Howl was shot nearly to the Sea of the Damned, though I did not let her sink. In the end a skeletal sloop nearly sank me by coincidence, and this verily would have made me fail the mission. As a reward for completing these tests...

...I am an Emissary of The Order of Souls.


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