That Night

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That night she lay in bed thinking about that guy in the park, he was the most intriguing person she'd ever met. No one she'd ever seen seemed to be able to command such gravity around them.

Merely looking into his eyes was comparative to looking into a fire. The more she stared, the more she felt as if she were slowly, but surely getting burned with the fire that seeped beneath her skin. Not only that, but his eyes seemed to hold the mysteries of the world. She wondered what those mysteries were, and if he would ever show them to her.

She shook her head in annoyance at her thoughts, there would be no way he would do that. Afterall, they were strangers, she didn't know more than his name-she knew about his father and mother. But he knew about her parents too.

She couldn't wait to meet him again, and talk to him. She imagined the conversation they woud have. This time, would it be about the stars, the solar systems, the flaws of humanity or the values of life?

Thinking about such things made her exhausted, and her eyelids suddenly became extremely heavy. She could no longer fight the sleep that lurked in the shadows of the night.

Just as she closed her eyes though, she heard a faint sound. She tried to open her eyes, but her muscleswould not move. The faint sound came again-louder this time. She could make out that is was a voice. Not just any voice though, a voice that sounded oddly familiar. It held a certain amount of gravity-deep and resounding, reverberating through her body.


She tried to stir, but again, her body wouldn't obey her.


She opened her eyes and she was still in her room, the moon was shining bright through her window. It was shining so bright in fact, that it almost lit up her entire room with a milky light.

She sat up in her bed and looked around slowly. It was almost as if she was searching for something, but whatever it was, it was not there. All she could see was her vanity to the far right of her room, her closet off to the side, and she could just make out the faint lines of the posters of N'SYNC that cluttered her wall.

N'SYNC had been her favorite boy group since she was young and she'd like them since-even after the break up.


Her heart seemed to shiver in her chest at the sound of her name being called in the middle of the night. She fought to ontrol her breathing and not panic. So what someone was calling her fromoutside her window, so what the voice was virtually unfamiliar.

She slid her legs out from under the covers, planting her feet on her plush rug. The touch was soft and served as a friendly reminder that she was still safe. Merely looking out her window was not going to kill her, unless of course, the person attached to the voice calling her name had a gun.

With a burst of courage, she stood up from her bed and advanced to her window. It took only a few steps before she was at her window staring down at the back yard. Like she thought, there was no one in sight.

With a sigh, she turned back around, instantly wishing she hadn't. A scream somewhere deep inside her was waiting to be released by her sealed lips. Clammy, cold fear swept over her, embracing her. She never knew that fear had the power to disable body movements. Her body felt strangley like lead, and her heart beat was so fast she heard it in her head.

As if sensing her fear, a small smiled played at his lips. It was the same demon from that other time. She never thought she would see him again, and the reality that she was seeing him again was positively frightening. Seeing him that time was frightening but after she was able to convince herself that he was a figment of her imagination.

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