Chapter 1

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3rd POV

Y/b asked Y/n for some help downloading something Y/n got up from their couch " what do you need to download..?" They groggily asked their Brother "a game that's called among us! it's all over the place my friend's already have it I wanna play with them! " Y/b yelled " em'k " Y/n nodded,Y/n opened the computer then downloaded among us "there.."
their brother started playing on it 'seems cool.' y/n saw a Bright light came from the computer Y/n felt something pulling them in

Y/n woke up in a F/c suit "w-what the..." Y/n got up to find a black haired girl..? In a blue suit awake thinking of something,other people were in the room but most of them were still asleep "um..hey I'm y/n." Y/n said to the black haired girl "oh hey I'm jazzy,do you know where we are?" Jazzy asked Y/n,Y/n shook their head "aw man.." jazzy sighed, then a boy with blonde hair and was in a purple suit woke up "huah..what time is it..." he rubbed his eyes trying to see better "around 1 am." Y/n answered "who's there?!?" The blonde boy jolted up "chill out dude people are sleeping!" Jazzy said calmly

More people started to wake up

"Huh..","where am..?" "What the..."

Was all Y/n could hear it seemed like everyone had been teleported to a some sort of cafeteria with a button on the table shaped like a circle "guess we'll roam around and look for an exit" said Jazzy "come on Y/n " Y/n follow's jazzy "h-hey! Wait for me!" Blake(purple) ran to jazzy and Y/n

They all looked around but it was no use, "Augh...." Macy(yellow) groaned in annoyance "did any one find an exit?"Macy asked "There was nothing." Blake Said "I found some sleeping rooms and a indoor garden" Y/n said "there's a kitchen a few bathrooms,living area" jazzy added "Oh!oh! I found a trash room and a  medical room!" Camila(lime) also added "is that all?" Macy asked "well I found some locked doors" Makoto(black) said.

"It's bedtime every body! Now sho!"

A robotic voice came from the Speakers.

Jazzy,Blake and Y/n walked to the bedroom's while others follow.

Haha I finna regret writing this ain't I?
tee hee bitch-

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