Chapter 4

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Dammit I nearly got him! What was he doing any way..? Any ways I walk back to jazzy in kitchen "Y/nnnn! You finally came the f/c finished right on time!" Jazzy said in a relaxed tone "how are you so relaxe- never mind can you hand me a plate?" I asked Jazzy nodded as she handed me a plate and cut the cake then putt it on my plate I sat down on a chair in the cafe then talked her black hair glowed in some way

I could hear makoto and Luna's voices down the hall "Kyaaa my wig looks so bad!" I heard luna whine "my wig feel likes hell and your complaining about yours!" Makoto yells they walk into the cafe wearing weird outfits

"Oh hey Y/n,Jazzy do you wanna cosplay with us?" Luna asked both of us "eh sure we got nothing to do any ways" I stood up and followed Luna to a random place I didn't know yet "oh also I found bed rooms with names on them!" I nodded my head in acknowledgment "and I kinda looked thru everyone's room to eh..hehe.."

Luna nervously laughed "also I found this bear in Aces room!" Luna pulled out a black and white colored bear with one red eye and a normal one "it looks oddly familiar to me.." I muttered "Y/N! LUNA!!" Cami comes running to us "Orange is dead! Y/N HOW DO YOU REPORT BODY'S?!?" Cami yells while shaking me "isn't there a button?" I said as I grabbed Luna and cami "where's the body..?" I asked  "The kitchen,He were burned alive cuz I saw a lighter and some gasoline next to Luka" I walk to the kitchen as I saw jazzy report the body as she putt the plates in the sink (yo I'm doing a Class trial for chapter 5 which will be 5,000 Words lmao now B Y E)


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