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(A x reader choice thing)

3rd POV (idk why I'm so comfy with the 3rd POV)

(Cannon world)

1:58 pm

So Jazzy was baking some Halloween cookies,Luna was helping cami and Ace with costumes,Lucid was decorating the living area, Macy fixing the dance Machine,Alice was with Makoto goofing off like siblings while Luka,Mangle,Blake and Y/n weren't doing anything they were just watching "so any one wanna dance to spooky skeletons?" Luka asked as he scrolled down in his Halloween Playlist "ME!!!" Mangle yelled as she stood up in her skeleton PJs Luka started the music Mangle started dancing to it Y/N had an amused smile on their face "im gonna check on jazzys cookies, Y/n wanna come?

(Yes or no?)
If yes then :
"Alright I'll come with" Y/n and Blake stood up then walked to the kitchen to find jazzy putting frosting on the cookies and cupcakes..? "Yo jazz what ya making?" Blake asked the black haired female "Cupcakes and cookies!" Jazzy exclaimed

If no then :

"Nah I'm gonna wake up Jazmine" Y/n said as they stood up and walked to Jazmine's room they knocked on the door "Jazmine? Wake up" Y/n said as they opened to see Jazmine dancing or tap dancing "oh! Y/n! I was just practicing a dance I learned!" Jazmine turned around to her face full off makeup "if you go to Luna then she'll do you're makeup!" Jazmine smiled

(Alex : lets just skip to the trick or treating)

Luna dressed up as Harry potter, Ace dressed up as teddy bear(Alex : Wtf how the fuck you get in there tho),Makoto and Alice decided to be clowns,Lucid and Macy became pirates,Jazzy became pinkamina from the CP fandom,Blake and Macy were skeletons And Y/n was (A insert fav character)  /Jazmine didn't come cuz she has to babysit/

"Is everyone ready?!" Ace yelled,everyone replied "do trick or treaters go out this late?" Luna asked everyone they all nodded "O!O! I heard that autumn town opened up again! there's Apple bobbing,Trick or treating and a maze! We also can't forget the chests we can collet!" Jazzy yelled happily "but our make u-" Makoto said as he got cut off by Luna saying "Don't worry our makeup is waterproof!" Y/n,lucid and stayed silent


"It looks cool." Lucid said in a monotone voice "cami is coming with me." Lucid said as they grabbed cami's arm dragging her "were doing apple bobbing!" Macy and jazzy said at the same Time whilst all the others went trick or treating to get some candy

Lucid and cami

2nd POV
You followed them to an ally to find them making out."oH- welp time to go to the others!" You said as you walked away embarrassed.

Jazzy and Macy

You decided to Apple bob with them

The others

Well you did end up kissing(the character that you simp for) because someone was dressed up as a Mistletoe for no reason.


Sorry this was really rushed since I was doing this during class haha...- also good news jxkaa- likes me back! 👉👈

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