Chapter 2

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3rd POV

Y/n and the other's went to bed just because, Macy and Ace(pink) wanted to talk they left their beds at 3:40 pink had a knife with him It wasn't long till a muffled scream came from the living area, pink was lucky no one heard the scream he ran back to the bed rooms Ace changed his bloody clothes

Morning arrived the 9 adults woke up ready to start the day "have any of y'all seen Macy I haven't seen her anywhere" makoto said "I don't know makoto maybe she found an exit and didn't tell us." Blake said "I'm gonna cook some breakfast for everyone" Jazzy Said walking to the kitchen "o guess I'm gonna chill in the living area" Y/n said before running to the living area


I ran to the living area wanting to find out what happened to I opened the door to find Macy's dead body "w-w-What the..?!?!" I yell I also let out a sob as a few tears start to fall,there was a button next to me to report the body I pressed it we were all teleported to the cafeteria

A body has been discovered!

The robotic voice said

"Huh?!?","a body?!?","hold up what!"

Everyone panicked as they asked whose body, I let out a sob all the attention was put on to me "Y/n! WHOSE BODY WAS IT?!?" Makoto yelled at me "it was Macy..." I said all the colors on there faces drained "m-m-Macy died...?" Jazzy said sadly

{after the discussion}

"so...we have to vote who might've done it."ace simply said " we go.." Blake added, we all grabbed our voting tablet's then started to vote

White was voted the most, time for them to leave~

A robotic voice said "Huh?!? Why did you all vote for me?!?" Mangle yelled at us "it's because you haven't been talking much during the discussion." Jazzy Said "Sigh...that's fair...." Mangle sighed sadly

It flashed white for a second we all heard slicing sounds then....

"Mangle.." I was shocked to see Mangle's A body got decapitated..


𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 | 𝘈𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘴 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now