Chapter 5 + 6 (part 1)

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Proof read? : no😻😻😻

The cla- I mean trial, The trial of luka's death + a *few* bloopers and questions some friends asked also we read all the comments-


I have 50 missing assignments 🥴✌️✌️

I Need to finish them 😔

This finna be kinda long I have the different chapter 5 & 6 almost done I had to post this chapter(s) cuz I have updated in a long time (apart from the Makotoxreader one) so here ya go!

"Where's the body..?" Ace asked "the kitchen I found luka dead" jazzy said "Do you realize cami ran away from the body?" Ace said "it's not cami she wouldn't do anything to luka Plus Cami was best friends with Luka."(cyan) Jazmine said calmly Cami nodded in agreement "Alice have something to share?" Y/n asked Alice "m-m-me..? I-I-I only saw Y/n chase s-s-someone in the i-i-indoor g-g-garden..." Alice shuttered out "Alice is not any use why can we kill her?!" Makoto yelled "That's not very nice!" Luna yelled back at Makoto Y/n stood still waiting for them to stop "ehem, Can you both shut the fuck up?" Y/n asked calmly "Sorry" they both said "good,Now I chased someone down the hallway into the indoor graden he was about kill jazzy but instead he killed luka" Jazzy's eyes widened "I-I-I was gonna get killed...?!?" Jazzy said Y/n nodded as they witnessed it with their own eyes. 

Ace a sweat rolling down his forehead "so ace where were you when luka Died...?" Blake said "I was in the boys bathroom!" Ace said anxiously "So all we have right now is: Alice is no use,Makoto being Mean and Jazzy nearly dying" Luna said "Hey! Alice is no actual use!" Makoto yelled "Makoto does have a point Luna Alice hasn't been sharing much" Jazmine said "so any one found something important..?" Y/n asked "Well I did find this brown lock of hair" Jazmine pulled it out of her pocket "Ace and Alice have brown hair although Alice has fully brown hair." Blake Said

"That is reasonable, but we don't have enough proof." Jazzy added "Jazzy is correct if we had all the proof we could've got the killer already.." Makoto agreed "Cami you have most of the proof show it and explain." Lucid spat cami pulled out a lighter,a gasoline tank and a porn magazin..-


"That is reasonable, but we don't have enough proof." Jazzy added "Jazzy is correct if we had all the proof we could've got the killer already.." Makoto agreed "Cami you have most of the proof show it and explain." Lucid spat cami pulled out a lighter,a gasoline tank and a knife "I found him bleeding on the floor I didn't know how to report the body so I ran to Y/n and Luna for help" cami said as she placed all the items on the table "give me that." Makoto grabbed the knife and looked at it "fingerprints.." Makoto (Mangle: damn he has some good eye sight)examined the knife "Ace is the only one along with 3 others that don't have gloves including me." Y/n said Ace sweat increased by 10 percent "so Ace have something to say..?" Y/n asked (luka : Alice finna get caught 😌) "F-F-FINE I DID IT!" alice yelled out "I WANTED TO LEAVE SO F*CKING BADLY TO SEE MY FAMILY!!!" Alice yelled out again everyone grabbed their voting tablets and voted for Alice


Alice was grabbed by the neck with a rope...? And was pulled up to the ceiling and just looked at us happily "thanks...thanks a lot.." a gun shot was heard behind her blood, blood everywhere.. Lucid's face turned pale "" Lucid asked everyone,lucid had tears in her eyes "She did it for what..." (Macy: WHY THO?) Makoto walked back to his room sad that Alice had to go jazzy followed Makoto along with Cami all the others stayed with lucid "lucid..are you ok..?" Ace asked "what do you expect me to say? "I'm fInE" No! My S/O just died!" Lucid yelled at them every one was shocked that Alice was lucids S/O 

Chapter 6 / a month after

It was the middle of the night Everyone was sleeping peacefully while one person stayed awake and that was Blake. He was in the cafe eating some chips while he stared at the door It opened to find Y/n standing there "b-b-blake...? What are you doing up this late..?" Y/n asked as they rubbed their eyes "eating." Blake said as he ate a chip "do you want some actual food..?" Y/n asked Blake He nodded y/n stumbled to the kitchen and started to cook their little brothers fav food (B/F/F).

"This taste delicious Y/n thanks..!" Blake said happily as he ate it Y/n grinned "thanks its my little brother's favorite hehe.." Y/n chuckled "so how was your younger brother like?" Blake asked curious about Y/n's younger brother "[insert bad and annoying description of your brother]"Y/n said "He sounds nice" Blake said while walking to the kitchen to put the Bowl/plate in the kitchen sink Y/n looked at the clock on a wall "its 1 a.m now... Hey Blake want to play (F/G)?" Y/n asked Blake as he walked back to the café area "what's that..?" (Macy :HE LIVES UNDER A ROCKKKK-)

stfu ghost

Blake asked "it's a game I used to play when I wasn't in this hell hole." Y/n explained


Y/n and Blake heard "a girl..?" Blake asked 

The girl had black hair it was in a short ponytail(NOT JAZZY) and was wearing a tux with a green bow on her leg and a gun in her hand "Dodge."

The girl said as she fried the gun towards Y/n Blake pinned Y/n down because they couldn't dodge fast enough the bullet hit Blake's shoulder He yelped in pain as the girl disappeared into fin air surprisingly Makoto heard the yelp and walked to the café He saw Blake holding his shoulder in pain while he was on Y/n

Makoto ran towards Blake worried that he would die "WHAT THE F*CK HAPPENED?!" Makoto yelled jazzy then woke up "HE JUST GOT SHOT DUMB ASS!" Y/n yelled at Makoto Blake removed his hand from his shoulder it's showed a ton of blood on his hand and shoulder

2 : 30 am

"I heard yelling what happened?!- Blake?!" Lucid walked in as the trio were panicking  lucid ran towards the trio confused at what happened an hour ago "he just got shot and we don't know what to do!!" Y/n yelled "and no one has medical experience to do any thing!!" Makoto added "we'll cami does I'll get her wait!" Lucid ran to cami's room

Lucid POV

"Cami!!- CAMI?!?!" Cami was dead (cami : ya no fucking shit Sherlock) a few tears rolled down my face "Cami..who did this?!" i yelled out mad that their best friend died I saw the black and white bear on her bed with a note saying "you must find the girl in black to solve this mystery." It said I picked up the note and pressed the "a body has been reported!"

a body has been reported!

3rd POV

3 : 0 1 am.

"Why do early..?" Jazzy asked "first off, BLAKE I BLEEDING. Second off, CAMI IS D-DEAD!" Lucid yelled everyone was shocked except for one. Makoto "that was expected, Cami was the only one that has medical experience and is the only one that can use the medical equipment." Makoto said out of his panicking state



C : "How the f*ck do I act dead?"


B : *grabs gun*" time to shoot myself in the shoulder-"
Alex : "NO-"


Q : what's everyone's sexuality's?
Makoto : bi
Blake : I'm a gay bitch
Lucid : pan
Cami : lesbain!
Macy : pan
Luna : bi!
Luka : I'm gay
Jazmine : pan
Jazzy : straight, but for the sake of the story Im bi
Alice : p-p-pan.
Ace : bi.
Mangle : P a n 🍳

Q : can I date (ex. Makoto)?
Answer : WELl I'm making a one shot book for this series so yeAAa

Q : face reveal?
Answer : at 8k :))💕

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