Bokuto koutarou

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Being friends with Bokuto wasn't always easy. He would get to loud, get dejected, or was just blunt, a little to blunt. You'd been friends with the frosted tipped owl for about three years. You both met the first year of High school and just kinda stuck with each other ever since. " Hey Hey Hey!" Bokuto was shouting down the hall. " Bokuto-san!" you hissed, " Don't be so loud!" He shut his mouth and looked away, " sorry." " It's fine but you can't yell down the halls, the teachers will get onto you. That and if Akaashi was around he'd also tell you to not be so loud." you laughed. He smiled and you two started walking home. He didn't have practice today because the coach was home sick. " What are you gonna do after high school Bokuto?" you questioned. He never really talked about what he wanted to do, you figured he'd do what Daichi, Suga, Asahi, and the third years of Aoba Johsai were, staying with the team after they graduated. " Probably going to stay with the team. I don't want to leave it behind." he said casually. " I figured you would do that haha. Yu ever gonna try to go for a real volleyball team? Like professional I mean, not that Fukurodani isn't a real team bu-" you were cut short to Bokuto laughing and looking your way smiling. " Yeah, I want to play on a professional team, I've thought about that a lot actually. I just want to stay behind after I graduate to help Akaashi be the captain." he kept looking in front of him not even glancing oyur way as he spoke. ' he actually has put a lot of thought into this' you thought. " What about you y/n? What are you gonna do?" he asked. " be your girlfriend if possible." you mumbled thinking he couldn't hear. He started chuckling and stopped to look at you. " that can be arranged." he snickered. You hit him on the arm and continued walking with a blush on your face. " Oh shut up I was kidding." you lied. " If you were kidding then why wasn't it Akaashi or anyone else in Fukurodani?" he snickered knowing he'd get you to admit you liked him. 

"Well, because Akaashi could never handle me I'm too crazy, and I'm not really friends with anyone else. Just you two basically." you breathed. " I thought you were friends with everyone?" he looked confused. " I'm friendly with people. But that doesn't mean I'm friends with them. Big difference. Besides, I got to Akaashi when I just want to talk to someone about random things. I go to you when I want to smile or just be happy. " you said this all with a smile. " You're my best friend Bokuto, I wouldn't have it any other way if I'm honest." Bokuto had this huge smile on his face and stopped you from walking any further. " You're my best friend too y/n, but you could be more than that if you wanted." he smirked. ' damn you koutarou' you thought. " Oh yeah? bet." you laughed. " y/n I'm serious, what do you want." his eyes were serious and his face was stern. ' he really is serious huh...', " I want to be with you and see you make it onto a professional team Kou." you smiled. He smiled down at you and pulled you into a hug. " Then you're with me till the end." he snickered. " That was cheeeeesyyyyyy." you whined. " To bad, I'm not gonna stop being cheesy." " I'll just walk home by myself!" " I should make a boyfriend contract." you were confused by this , " why?" " So you can sign it and then I can rip it so you don't have the receipt to take me back." he started laughing and you joined in with him. " Hmmmm doesn't sound like a bad idea Kou." you smiled. You two eventually got home and hugged each other goodnight. " I'll see you tomorrow kou." " You too y/n" you went inside your house and leaned against the door smiling. " That dork." you laughed before going to shower, thinking about today's events over again.


Heyo, I hope this was good and I hoped this was a little bit of an improvement from my other stories, thanks!

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