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As Mork entered a room led by Sun. He did not even catch a glimpse of his face that with a great instantaneous the tall man pinned him against the wall and grabbed him by the throat but he didn't choke him. Before the young man even got the time to react to the tall man's action. The tall man crushed his lips against his.

Who would have thought that his first kiss would be happening against his own will? It was his first kiss. Sure he is a bad boy who gets himself into countless fights, but he is never interested in dating anyone.

As Mork got the grasp on the current catastrophe. His heart pounding wildly and his body heating up. He tried to resist the forceful dominating kisses by pushing him back as he was clashing for his breath. However, His vigorous resistance ended up in vain as he perceived that the tall man possessed much more strength than he is.

Sun sank into kissing to Mork deeply that he loosen his grip on Mork's throat. he was biting and sucking his lips and demanding a response. Mork was struggling for his breathing. But as Sun pressed his lips on him he became addicted to him that he was devouring him into his deep kisses and the taste of alcohol mingling into his kisses. The smell of his mouth, The smell of his skin, the smell of his hair, seemed to get inside of him that He was craving for him even more.

Yes! He was burning with jealousy. The fear of losing him instantly penetrated in his mind that before he would be able to define himself in his words instead of it his action took place.

He had long known what he felt for Mork, which he never felt for someone else before. It's always him who makes him worried about him. Keeps getting into fights to help others. Though, when his care changed into love for him since when he doesn't know himself. even if he makes him mad and angry. Still, he loves him and he doesn't have any plan to let him go. He would never give up on him. Just by kissing him he was making him go crazy.

Nonetheless, Sun reluctantly let go of Mork as he needed to catch his breath. They both were breathing hard, panting. Mork didn't know how many seconds and minutes had passed as his breath became normal. But his heart was still beating so fast. And an overwhelming emotion was making his mind mess.

He has feelings for Sun, but he doesn't want to do anything with half baked things in his life. He understands that he can't make Sun fall in love with himself. When he found that Sun was staring at Kao. And still, he has someone in his heart. He refused to allow his heart to burn in this pain. He can't promise his heart to love someone who can't return his feelings the same way as he wants. But, he can't deny that he has already jumped in the ocean of the pain of eternity by falling in love with him. However, still, he refused to be a replacement for someone.

If he can't be number one, he won't be number two.

After gaining his thorough consciousness. Foremost, he was damn angry on Sun. How dare of him do this to him.


Yelled Mork at him as his right hand formed a fist and it was making its way on Sun's Temple next to his left eye as it was about to hit Sun. However Sun's palm blocked the attack briskly, the surprised Mork tried to pull away, but Sun grabbed on it. and his calm eyes met Mork's furious eyes and instantly got the point that this time he had hit his nerve at the point that he was really mad at him. Although he can't take the risk of letting him go away from himself. So, he quickly crossed kick that Mork's body pressed to the cold floor by him. His left hand clasped Mork's wrist while his right hand grabbed Mork's neck and pressed him to the floor. And all of this happened in a few seconds.

"What the hell are you trying to imply by doing that?!" Mork grated. He was angry and very displeased with the situation. Especially, when he was pinned down to the floor by the person whom he is used to thinking very calm and caring. And everything was liked to solve with patience. However, it is paradoxical that he can't even move his body now.

"Let's talk," said Sun. His grip became loose, However, he didn't let go of Mork. As he is terrified that this time he would leave.

"You, cheeky bastard, let me go!"

Mork still was trying his futile struggle to get away from his grip. But, Sun didn't let him go and ignored what he said. He had made his mind that he had no plans to let him go from his life. He is the one who is making everything obscure for him. If He wouldn't come clean. He would never know what he feels about him.

"I love you," Sun confessed and released the stunned and angry young man from his grip.

But he didn't move.

"Will you say something?" The young man moved and sat w- sitting position and facing the floor. Sun bends down in front of him. "Mork." The young man looked up into the tall man's eyes and the tall man's heart sunk.

"I Love you, Mork." He confessed again.

"Bullshit!" He answered him with contempt and continued with the same tone,

"Ah...Do you really think I would be an idiot to believe in your words? When you already have someone in your heart and telling me this bullshit."

Sun has feelings for him. Does he really think that he has someone in his heart and that he would do this to anyone? He realized that he unconsciously had a cause of pain to his heart. But he can't let him misunderstood anymore.

So, he leaned towards him, said, "believe me Mork, I really do love you, but no one else. you captivated me in your own ways that no one ever had... And, I know that you also love me."

Mork was looking at him. At this statement of Sun. Mork's heart melted. they were looking into each other's eyes. Mork's face reddened and this time Sun smiled at him.

"Who said that I love you, don't put words into my mouth." He said annoyingly.

"You tell me then, what I can do for you to make you believe that I really do love you?"

There was a knock at the door, they turned to look at the door.

"Who is this?" Said Sun, annoyingly.

"Sir, your father is asking about you." Informed his housemaid.

Sun wasn't in the mood to attend this damn party. He is in the middle of his confession right now.

"Say to him that I'm coming." He shouted enough that the maid could listen.

"Okay, sir." Said the maid and left.

Again Sun's eyes approached Mork Who stood up.

"Where are you going?" Asked Sun who also stood up.

"Well, aren't you gonna meet your father?" Said Mork.

"He can wait, I'm talking to you now," said Sun and this made Mork frown at him. He isn't going to have succumbed unless he gets a proper answer from Mork.

"Let's just talk about it tomorrow, how you can make me believe that you love me," Said Mork, who approached the doorknob and smiled to Sun. And, both men came out of the room. There wasn't a heaviness in their heart anymore.

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