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"This is a terribly foolish idea," Mork said despairingly to his friend Rain who was seated across him.

"Yeah, let's do it."Rain grinned at him.

Mork frowned and wondered if his friend was even listening to him.

"I haven't done it in public before." He reasoned out.

But Seeing Mork like that Rain continued,

"Ai'Mork, trust your gut, and don't forget for whom you are doing this."

Mork was in the blue cafe. Today was the weekend like always the cafe was crowded with the customers. The staff didn't have the time to take a breath of relief.

It's been a few days since Mork had recuperated from fever and became active as before.

Mork was intended to tell Sun about his feelings that day Sun left him. as he arrived at the blue cafe. He found out from Rain that Sun wasn't there. And he was hellish busy with his company work and going to come late at night. Howbeit being devastating to tell Sun about his feelings, Mork refused the idea to go back to his house and decided to wait for him. The cafe was closed and the staff was gone, Rain went to sleep. Mork still was waiting for him while playing a game on his phone and some notebooks were lying on the table.  

"How do you feel?"

Sun asked. As he entered the cafe he wasn't really surprised to find Mork here as he was aware that Mork stays here sometimes.

Hearing his voice Mork looked up at the tall man who bent over to touch his neck by the back of his right hand. But at the mere presence of the tall man's warm touch, the young man was at a loss for words. His heart was pounding and the face's color couldn't be friendly with him but being traitor.  The tall man gave him a warm smile as his eyes met the young man and making flutter his stomach. He doesn't use to be physically intimate with anyone. However, any person cannot make him feel the way he feels for Sun as well. The young man couldn't deny that each time being this close to him it is impossible for him not to feel a flutter.

"It's good that your fever hasn't returned."

"By the way, Shouldn't you be resting more?" Sun asked the young man who hadn't spoken since he had come back and stared at him with an unwavering gaze.

"I'm fine, P'Sun and I were writing down Yesterday's lecture notes..and a moment ago, I have also done it."

Mork wondered at his own lame excuses he had come up with.

In actuality, He already had written them down. So he wasn't literally lying.

"Yeah, I can tell that." Sun ruffled his hair and smiled.

"Then, shouldn't you go to bed instead of playing the game?"

He asked as he moved towards the kitchen. While gathering up his things and put them in the bag Mork answered "I am just to about go to bed." But he approached Sun who poured a glass of water for himself and drank it.

While the young man was in the process of mustering up his courage to tell the tall man his feelings.

"P'Sun..." Mork trailed off.


Sun asked. He massaging his shoulder back. Mork wondered, how come he hasn't noticed that Sun is looking extremely tired. After coming at this hour. Unquestionably, he must be expecting to sleep. As well he forgot that he kept wrapping wet washcloths onto his forehead when he was sick. This is also the reason that he recovered in less time.

"What is it, Mork?" He asked again. at the abrupt silence of the young man.

"Huh, yeah... I wanted to say thank you for taking care of me, P."

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