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keep ringing the doorbell of Mork's house, he wasn't getting any response which was making him anxious. He is not taking his calls nor replying to his texts.

It's been almost four weeks since Sun has talked about his feelings to Mork. And Mork has accepted his feelings. And their relationship has become exceedingly courteous. Sun knows that Mork has feelings for him. however, he hasn't expressed it in words neither Sun emphasized him. It will come on its own, when he will want to, and having kissed Mork that night because of the jealousy, it virtually earned him a punch from him. And he doesn't want to repeat it.

Often, they both talk to each other through the phone line. and sometimes have breakfast together with Rain. However Today morning Mork didn't come to the cafe, Sun also texted him, but he didn't get any response. He thought that he might be busy with something. But when he sees that Rain has come alone, he instantly asks.

"You came alone, where is Mork?"

"Mork didn't come to college today." He said.

Rain looked at his brother, and he knows his brother likes Mork. He all along had known that his brother likes men. But it came as a surprise for him as he came to know that his brother falls in love with Mork as he used to think that his brother couldn't think anything of Mork except that he is a troublemaker. Two weeks earlier he asked casually if he likes Mork. And, without being periphrastic,  Sun revealed to him that he loves him. He is happy if both of them are happy together.

"He also is not picking up his phone, neither replying to any of my texts." Said Sun while taking off his apron.

"His parents out of the country," said Rain and chuckled

"Okay! Then, take care of the cafe in my absence."

He didn't wait for Rain's response and rushed out of the cafe.

"Mork!" After calling his name numerous times. The main entrance door was opened by Mork.


Sun takes the internal breath of relief as he sees the young man. But his exceptionally anxiousness doesn't get less after absorbing the sight of him. He was wearing his casual wear and water was dripping down on his handsome face from his wet hair as just he comes out of the shower, his pale face didn't get unnoticed by Sun. Still, it didn't make his appearance any less. Contrary Sun was having a hard time taking his eyes off from the person in front of him. With the great effort, Sun shook his thoughts away.

"What happens to you? you don't look fine."

"I have a little headache."

Sun approached him, being aware of Mork's personality, Sun knows that Mork certainly wouldn't be skipping college just having a little headache.

He touched his forehead. The distance between them was a few inches away.

At this position, Mork's didn't make any attempt to escape from the Sun's touch. Sun can feel Mork's hot breath on him. Sun was amused at how the hell Mork even had the strength to take the shower?

"You are burning with the fever, how come you haven't told me that."

"Have you taken meds?"

"..Nah," Mork said.

Before Mork could say anything else. Sun made a grab on Mork's wrist.

"We need to see a doctor."

After taking the meds prescribed by the doctor and knowing that nothing is serious. Sun bought the food as he deduced that the young man might have not been eating. Sun made the way to return to Mork's house. Mork fell asleep in the middle of the ride.

Never Hard To Love You [SunMork]Where stories live. Discover now