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Allie fell asleep when we watched a movie together after the dinner, her position was like the usual when she was with me and Gabby. Her head was on my thigh and her legs was on her mother's thigh. I felt like she was a five years old kid again, I caressed her head, she scrunched her nose like she always did when she was sleeping.

I looked at the clock, it was 10pm and I had to go home because I had work tomorrow. Both Gabby and I weren't speaking since Allie fell asleep, we let the TV talked to us. I saw Gabby shifted her position, her thigh must be numb because I felt mine was too.

"I have to go." I whispered, careful if I woke Allie up.

Gabby turned her head to see me. "Yeah, I'll walk you out." She whispered back.

"Good night, princess." I kissed Allie's forehead and caressed her cheek one more time before I stood up cautiously.

I caught a glimpse of Gabby staring at me, then I smiled to her and I swore she slightly smiled back at me and it was enough to make my day.

I grabbed my coat and my keys, Gabby opened the door for me and she stood on her porch after the both of us were outside. She rubbed the back of her neck, I smiled while I readjusted my coat.

"Thank you for the dinner. It was lovely." I said.

"I'll tell Allie. It was her idea after all." Even though she said it with lack of expression, I could feel there was no venom in her voice and I was glad because of that.

"Still, you allowed me to come inside." I responded.

"If I didn't, Allie would be mad at me." Gabby said nonchalantly.

I took a step forward towards her. "Why did you have to make this so hard, Gab?" I whispered, looking down at her.

She looked away even though she didn't make an eye contact with me. "You hurt me, Jordan."

I sighed. "You did feel something when I was around, didn't you?"

Gabby still avoided the eye contact I tried to make. "Yeah, anger."

"Bullshit." I scoffed.

She folded her arms over her chest, looking at me deadly in the eyes. "What if I don't?"

"I call it bullshit." I took another step forward. "I know you still want me as bad as I want you back, Gab."

She snorted sarcastically. "Like hell I do."

I smiled sadly. "I know you, Gab."

"Like hell you do." Gabby mocked. "It's been ten years, Jordan. We're not young anymore. We have our own life now."

"You said ten years ago that 'I will find the answer on my own and in order to find ourselves, we have to walk in different path' and guess what? The path leads us to find each other again." I argued, Gabby rolled her eyes.

"Maybe it is for our closure, Jordan." Gabby responded. "We meet again to end the things we left just like that ten years ago."

"You really want to end it all what we had in the past?" I asked her.

She avoided my gaze. "Y-yeah."

I nodded defeatedly. "Alright, then."

"Alright." Gabby imitated me.

"Good night, Gabrielle." I said one last time.

Gabby didn't respond me for at least twenty seconds. "Yeah. Good night, Jordan."

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