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Jordan's POV


I fucking loved this view. And I'd never get tired to see this every single day. I scratched her back ups and downs and Gabby grunted in pleasure, begging me more. I bent my body down, pressing my chest against her back and choking her from behind. Gabby held on the headboard bed, mumbling something.

"You like this, baby? Hmm?" I whispered in her ear.

"Mmhmm." She moaned, grabbing the headboard tighter as I moved harder. "Fuck."

I groaned in pleasure because I liked it when she moaned 'fuck' under her breath. I spanked her ass and I heard she moaned louder.

We did this every Monday, Thursday and Saturday and this was our second year yet I couldn't help myself everytime we fucked. Gabrielle was wonderful and she made me like I couldn't see another people because I was blinded because of her. Her beauty, her soul, and her heart.

Second year of being her wife was wonderful. She was such a good housewife. But from now on, it was just the two of us because Ally went to college and lived with Becca.

I flipped her over, the thirty seven years old woman, my significant other, my wife, my world, my anchor, my everything, looked at me with her lustful eyes but I could see love in there. We looked at each other face for another minute before I entered her body with the strap-on again.

I looked at her neck, full of hickies I made until I couldn't find another spot to make a new one. I chose her collarbone and her cleavage. Gabby wrapped her arms around me, whispering something that made my heart fluttered.

"I love you, my love."

I smiled. "I love you, my wife."

Gabby moaned again but I suppressed it with my kisses. Our chest pressed together, her legs wrapped my hips, pulling me to thrust inside her body further. She closed her eyes, her pant sounded heavier and heavier and I knew she was closed to her orgasm. Then I pulled away, she looked at me in confusion.

But before she asked me why I suddenly stopped, I used my fingers and my tongue to help her release everything inside her. Gabby grabbed my head, pushing me more and she moaned my name one last time when she cum.

I fucking loved her so much.

We played so many times until she lost her power to get up. She said her legs sore and I chuckled because of that, then she placed her head on my chest, caressing my chest down to my stomach.

"It's lonely without Allie here." She said all of sudden.

I sighed, I felt that too. We used to do everything together, but now it was empty. The house was lonely without Gabby bickering to Allie if Allie did something wrong. I kissed my wife's head, stroking her hair.

"Give me a child, Jordan." Gabby said above a whisper and it caught me off guard. Maybe she heard my heartbeat, then she continued to talk. "Let me carry our child."

Gabby looked up to see me, my mouth partly opened but no words came out from my mouth. "I want to carry your egg in my womb so we could have a child together."

I didn't realize my tears fell. I couldn't contain the happiness inside me. I nodded and she kissed me lovingly and I knew now that marriage wasn't about the two of us. It was about a future of a human being and I was glad Gabby brought it up. I knew I wanted kid so bad but I was forty, there was still a possibility but knowing that I was still working, I didn't want to take the risk.

"I love you more than as you know, baby." I said truthfully.

"I know you do, my love." Gabby replied.

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