Chapter 22

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Jordan's POV


"Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up." I looked at my phone.

She didn't answer me at all. I ran after her but she left me without giving me a chance to explain myself and I knew it was bad, too bad. I couldn't reach her. She ignored me. We needed to talk, to clear the misunderstanding between us.

"Fuck." I cursed at myself, I dialed Allie's number. "Where's your mommy?"

"Uh, she isn't home. Why?" Allie asked me back.

Where the fuck are you, Gab? "Can you call her?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. Give me a–– Hey, Mom." I heard Allie said. "She's home. Wanna talk to her?"

I closed my eyes. "Tell her to pick up the phone."

"Uhm, what's wrong?" Allie asked me cautiously. "You seem in trouble."

"I am." I sighed. "Can you please tell her to pick up my call? I'm on my way home."

I heard noises on the other line, then Allie spoke up. "She didn't want to, Jordan. Are you guys okay?"

"I'll tell you later. Thank you, princess. Bye, love you." I didn't wait for her to reply because I hung up the phone already.

My heart pounded. She must had been thinking of the worst. I mentally cursed myself why did I let it happened. Shit, why was she here anyway?

Did she miss me? I knew I should've come home right after I was done checking at the gallery but there was last minute photoshoot and I had to wait for it.

I sighed, I knew she was mad, but I hoped she didn't that mad at me. She was so scary when she was angry though and I didn't know she was a jealous type of person. Oh right, she was. She was jealous when I didn't tell her that I was over her sister. And now, this?

I bit my nails. It was still an hour away before I reached her house. She still didn't pick up my calls or replied my messages and I was scared, she really was mad at me. I hoped she'd give me a chance to explain myself.

An hour later, I knocked at her front door and Allie opened it up for me. But she didn't look happy at all.

"What did you do?" Allie crossed her arms over her chest.

"What did she tell you?" I asked her back.

"You cheated on her." Allie answered.

"That's what I want to talk about. With her. Not you." I said firmly and Allie sighed, she knew when I was serious. "Take my car. Go somewhere else."

Allie rolled her eyes. "If you hurt her, I'd kill you."

"Don't worry sweety, that's not in my dictionary." I said firmly when she stepped aside. "Just give us some privacy. I'll do this right."

Allie sighed. "Fine."

I waited for her to go before I walked inside the house, locking the front door and made my way to her room. I couldn't hear anything, I didn't knock, I didn't make a sound to tell her that I was here. I just opened up the door and she was there, laying on her back, looking at the ceiling and one hand was over her forehead.

"Get out." She said curtly.

"We need to talk." I said firmly, taking a step forward.

"No. That's enough." Gabby said without looking at me. "Thank you for making me regret to believe you again in the first place."

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