Chapter 21

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Gabby's POV


"I have to go to Northville, babe." Jordan said, she hugged me from behind.

We just spent a night together at her house, we laid in her bed. I groaned, rolling my eyes. "What now?"

Jordan chuckled. "Mommy asked me to check up the gallery."

"Can you tell someone to go to replace you for once? Jeez, we just met again after our little argument, though."

"Still miss me?" Jordan whispered in my ear.

"Duh." I rolled my eyes, I turned my body to face her.

Jordan was smiling. "Come with me?"

"I can't. I have work too." I sighed.

"It's only three days, Gab." Jordan told me.

"Still." I frowned.

Jordan kissed me and I kissed her back no matter how annoying I was to know that she would leave me again for three days.

Ha, three days. Let's see how long it was. One time she said she only went to somewhere just for a week, but it ended up she went for almost two weeks and it was annoying.

It wasn't me being clingy or something, I mean we just met again after ten years, trying to figure it out what was the best for us, yet she was always busy like this.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Jordan caressed my cheek.

I shook my head. "It's fine."

Jordan studied me. "I know something is bothering you, baby."

I liked it when she could feel something towards me even though I didn't say it. "It's just.."

"It's just?" Jordan moved closer to me. "Gabrielle, my baby, listen to me. To be completely honest, when I first time decided to move here, it was for you and only you. I wanted you to be with me again. But I can't put my moms company in danger by ignoring it. You know I love you, I'll do anything for you but please, understand me, baby. I won't ask you anything. Just wait for me."

I looked at her eyes. Damn, she was so serious though. Was I being silly as always? Was it wrong if I wanted to be with her all the time? But also I didn't want her to let her moms down.

I sighed. "I promise."

Jordan smiled. "Thank you, my love."

I hugged her, feeling the new sensation when I was with her. It was addicting. She was addicting. She was like drugs, digging me deeper everytime we touched.

"Feels like I know your schedule." Jordan chuckled.

"You'll die in boredom if you're in my position, babe." Jordan said. "I face papers and my eyes are tired because I look at the computer all the time let alone the meeting. It's exhausting."

"Take a break if you need some time for yourself, J."

Jordan smiled. "It's okay, baby. I do it for us. I'd do anything for us, to have way much better life than this."

I was so grateful right now. Jordan was perfect, she was thinking about our future together and she worked so hard for 'us'. I felt like I was married to her.

Damn, Jordan. I fucking loved you so fucking much.

"It keeps playing on my mind." I said.

"What is it?"

"That I don't deserve you." I answered, Jordan pulled me closer to her. "You're perfect, you have everything you need, you can get everything you want, yet you're here with me, starting over from the bottom, we're trying to make this thing right this time. Why don't you just look for someone else who's equal like you than being with me?"

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