Chapter 12

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Gabby's POV


That bitch. I mentally cursed Anne. She was the one who forced me to drive Jordan to her house but hello, I didn't even know where her home was and here I was, driving her and she passed out right next to me.

I rubbed my temple, I glanced at Jordan and yeah, she didn't buckle her seatbelt. I sighed, the red light was still a little bit long and I decided to fasten her seatbelt. I could smell her scent and she smelled like her. She smelled exactly like ten years ago beside the fact that it mixed up with the alcohol, but still, I could smell her scent.

I looked up to see her. Her mouth partly opened and she snored softly, she looked tired like she didn't get any sleep for days. Her wrinkles on her forehead was clear enough to see and suddenly I remembered that she wasn't young anymore. She was about forty in three years yet she still looked so young, just like her moms.

A horn woke me up from my daydreaming while I was looking at Jordan. I cursed at myself why she was still be able to make me looked at her the same way I looked at her ten years ago. Sure she was charming, she was beautiful but she was an asshole.

I rolled my eyes. I decided to take her to my house because I didn't know where she lived. I would've known if I took a look at her ID but it was an unpolitely move because I had to open her purse which was her privacy.

I stopped in my driveway and parked her car. Anne was taking my car and she'd pick me up before we went to work together tomorrow because I worked eight hours straight so it was easier for us.

I brought Jordan to my house slowly, but I was struggling when I tried to unlock the door. She was heavy though, she was taller than me. I groaned, then after the third attempt I was already inside my house. I locked the door, made my way to my room and let Jordan slept in my bed.

I tucked the duvet, she looked so peaceful but her baggy eyes were clear enough to see. I brought a glass of water and aspirin so she could drink it to help her with her hangover tomorrow and I was sure she would have a massive hangover since she was this drunk.

I exhaled hard, I took my homey clothes and changed in the bathroom before I decided to sleep on the couch. There was no way in hell I would sleep with her in the same bed. And I didn't want to disturb Allie and being asked in the morning about why I was in her bed.

I forced to close my eyes and let the darkness consumed me slowly.


I woke up when I hear something noisy from the kitchen and I saw Allie and Jordan were cooking together. I looked at the clock and it was nine in the morning. I furrowed my brows, I decided to brush my teeth and wash my face first before I headed to the kitchen.

"Good morning." I greeted them while taking a glass for me to drink.

"Good morning, Mom." Allie greeted me back, grinning.

"Morning, Gab." Jordan greeted me shyly.

"Why aren't you in school, baby?" I asked Allie, I sat on the kitchen stool.

"It's Saturday, Mom." Allie giggled.

I mentally facepalmed myself. Great, now I'm a stupid person. I was slightly embarrassed because Jordan was now chuckling too. "I forgot about the day, baby. Sue me."

Allie rolled her eyes playfully. She gave me a plate of french toast, Allie followed me after to sit on the stool and Jordan was the last person to sit across from me.

"Is it okay if I join you guys?" Jordan asked.

"Why did you ask? You're more than welcome to join us everytime, Jordan." Allie beamed.

I forced a smile. Jordan glanced at me like she had something to do with me. Well, if she had something towards me then I had something towards her too.

Don't play with a fire if you don't wanna get burn, honey.

"Sure." I replied shortly.

Then we had breakfast together in peace. Note the sarcasm in there. Jordan and Allie kept talking and joking each other. If something bad didn't happen ten years ago, then this was what I had always been dreaming of, like a whole family got back together again.

I knew Jordan stole a glance at me some of the time when she talked to Allie and I tried to ignore it even though sometimes we made eye contact but no longer than a second but damn, she was still be able to make my heart pounded when she looked at me directly in the eyes like that.

"Mom, can I go tonight?" Allie asked me when she was done eating her breakfast.

"Where to?" I looked up to see my daughter and when she blushed, I suddenly realized that the one who could make my daughter blushed was Becca, and Becca only. I smiled, "okay."

Allie raised her brows in confusion. "I haven't told you anything yet you already gave me a permission?"

"Do you want to hear my observation?" I asked her, but I continued talking while she was still confusing. "First of all, now you do have a regular schedule to go on Saturday night. And second of all, I know the one who can make you blush wildly like that, my baby girl."

Allie covered her face with both of her palm. I laughed at her and Jordan laughed along with me too and suddenly my heart felt warm. Like it was what it supposed to be. Then I made an eye contact with Jordan unintentionally and she gave me a sign that she agreed with me, of course, Becca was her niece though.

"Just don't forget to use protection."

"Mom!" Allie's face reddened in embarrassment.

I laughed, Jordan scratched her neck awkwardly. "I'm joking, baby. Be here at eleven sharp, okay? I have to work eight hours straight today so I'll be home around twelve and if you haven't home yet I will––"

"Gab, she knows." Jordan interjected me, I rolled my eyes. It felt like years ago, Jordan defended Allie when I was about to lecture her. "You got it, Allie?"

Allie nodded. She walked to kiss my cheek before she stormed out of the kitchen, leaving me and Jordan in awkward situation.

We both just in silence. I played with the glass before Jordan broke the silence between us. "I should go."

"Yeah." I replied casually.

"Thank you for taking care of me last night." She smiled.

"I was forced when I didn't want to." I responded curtly.

Jordan nodded sadly. "Still, thank you." She paused. "Have a nice day, Gab."

And with that, she left my house, leaving a small hole inside my heart and I had no idea why.

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