Chapter Sixteen-Confrontation

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Trigger warning ⚠️ this chapter contains blood, violence and attempted sexual assault.

      Your eyes burned as you blink you had been in surgery for 16 hrs.
   "Dr.Crow?" Dr.Ottoman asked "should we prepare the secondary team?" You look up breifly to see everyone is utterly exshausted.
   "No. I am almost finished" You reply.  SCP 191 was so small and with her golden blonde locks she looked almost like a malfunctioning doll as she lay on the table unmoving. Perfection is what drove you at this point, and a need to give back to her some of what had been taken. No more pain, no more infections just an arm she could use like all other children. You carefully adjusted a wire aligning it where a typical nerve would go. You had removed 4 pounds of metal from her arm and with the help of tech support all obsolete data exchange ports. You had been forced to remove the damaged parts of the bones all together as they basically fell apart in your hands. You were perpared for this of course but it was still not easy to accept that you could do nothing to fix it. The skin graft took well, same with the muscle transplanted to replace the unneeded mechanical elements you removed. Everything was a blur after awhile but as always your hands moved beyond your years and experience dictated. You just knew where to cut, what to remove and how to improve what remained. At about hour 5 your tendrils had formed becoming  your assistant, allowing you to work more smoothly and without pause.
    "Dr.Crow the transplants have taken well. There is zero interferance to Scp 191 systems and over all structure. Also Scp 191 said the limb no longer hurts." Dr. Lee says her eyes glazed over in tears, half in exhaustion, half in genuine relief.
   "Victoria." You say loudly and slow "move your hand." 191 looks toward you and then moves her hand. "Good girl." You say " make a fist." You smile under your surgical mask as you watch the exposed arm work properly, noting no taring or pulling."  "Run a final diagnostic." You sigh "were closing the surgical site. Victoria stay still. Dr. Lee your assistance would be appreciated." Dr. Lee grabed a hooked needle and began to thread it.
    "Your clear Dr.Crow." the tech specialist called. "Everything is green." Closing the wound was such a delicate procedure you didn't want to destroy your hours of hard work.
    "Dr.Crow." Dr.Lee said.
     "Yes." You replied.
     "I think Scp 191 likes your tendrils." Dr. Lee says. Your tendrils hovered infront of 191 face her human eye fixed directly on them, as in sparkles with a hint of smile and in that moment she appeared as a normal little girl.   Your face softens as her other little hand reaches up to touch them.
    "They seem to return the sentiment." You reply as the tendrils coo happily. "Would you object to my requesting to further operate on 191?" You ask glancing over at Dr.Lee.
     "No infact I welcome it. Might I suggest the spinel cord next? It has been the cause of the majority of the mobility and pain issues." Dr.Lee says glance over several times. "I have performed a few minor surgeries to try and elevate the problem but it needs a more invasive procedure. It would be nice for her to walk again."
     "Then perhaps she should be moved here temporarily." I say. "Anything involving the spine is very delicate work."
    "If they agree to more surgical procedures with you then I am all for it." Dr.Lee said. You cut the string and look over your work, a sense of pride welling up inside of you. Applying an anitsecpt cream over the wound you begin laying gauze pads down over the incisions.
     "Dose she have a favorite colour?" You ask your hand hovering over the brightly colored wraps.
     "Pink." Dr.Lee said. You nod and grab the bright pink to cover the plain white guaze. 
     "This dressing will need to be change for something more stable more once the swelling goes down and we have a more general idea how everything has taken. Dr. Ottoman could you please call site command and tell them were finished here." You say taking a deep breath. "Good job everyone and Victoria you were so brave hunny." You tare your surgical gear off throwing it in the bin of biological soiled linen.
    "Dr.Crow site commanded has been informed and we are officially off the clock." Dr.Ottomam says. "They're all are extremely pleased with the results of the surgry." You turn and watch as the tech crew cuts the cameras that were feed directly to site command and 05. SCP 191 was being readied for transport by Dr.Lee who was gently brushing the girls hair and saying how good she was. 191 then proceeded to once again curl in the fetal postion her freshly operated arm facing up.
    "Thanks. Now go get some sleep and spend some time with Edgar." You reply wiping your forehead. "After you get some sleep."
     "What about you?" Dr.Ottoman asked.
      "I am going to see 049 for a bit." You answer smiling a tired happy smile.
       "You just completed a complex 16 hr surgery and your going on a date." Dr.Ottoman spit worridly. "You need to rest."
       "Eve, it is just a vist. We get so few outside of testing." You answer trying to justify your insanity. You could see the genuine concern in her face however and sighed, "I will get a few hours in 049 cell, okay." You say splashing water in your face.
      "Insensitive jerk. 049 better let you or I swear I will give him something that needs to be cured." Dr.Ottoman say under her breath. You smile at the comment because oddly it made your relationship with 049 feel normal if only for a moment. "Didn't you tell him you had surgery today. I mean I know you don't need sleep as much as us mere mortals but."
    "I do need sleep Eve. Please relax." You say "049 just wants to discuss his new finding over dinner. Honestly it is kinda adorable to see him so excited." Dr.Ottoman grins and let's out a soft laugh.
    "Picturing 049 jumping up and down giddy with excitement just made my day." She replied rubbing her eyes. "You going to the Halloween party on Saturday?" She asked you as you both walked into the changing room.
    "I promised Bright I would enter in the couples costume competition with him. Their announcing the winners early this year, afterward I am going to see 049 for the rest of the evening." You answer.
     "Hold up your going as a couple with Bright." She said alarmed.
     "Friends." You says firmly. "I love, love, LOVE, LOVE Halloween. I have won a costume contest every year since I was 10 and I'll be damnrd if I won't win this year."
     "But a couple." She said giving you the look.
      "We're going as Medusa and Perseus." You say flatly.
   "Never mind." Dr.Ottoman answers. "He is not going to really try and remove your head right?"
    "I told him if he tries I am going to remove his, both of them" You reply smiling slyly.
    "Nice." Dr.Ottoman replied stepping into the changing room showers with you.

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