Chapter Twenty Eight- Resolve

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        01 crushed her cigarette angrily, she knew this would not go well. 09 however was overly aggressive lately, and very convincing. Lighting another cigarette she inhaled deeply and watched Raven and 049 lay together.
     "01." Jack says standing beside her.
     "Glass is being flown in tonight, trauma team is on stand by." Jack says.
      "How bad." 01 said.
      "Raven will not leave 049 side." Jack sighed. She breathed out harshly, a line of thick smoke.
       "Tell me Jack has anyone figured out this marking bussiness between them." 01 asked her eyes on Raven's neck.
       "Fuck if I know. Roman's did it." Jack offers, "to show ownership."
       "Please, we both know it goes deeper.'" 01 says. 
       "Agatha thinks it is a binding thing," Jack says sitting on the desk. "This is really her area."
       "Their getting too close." 01 said,
       "What did you expect." Jack laughs. "Trauma creates bonds, deep ones."
       "That is not what I mean." 01 said scowling. "SCP 049 could fuck her stupid for all I care."
       "Then what." Jack asks.
        "The foundation comes before everything." 01 says blowing a smoke ring.
        "She knows." Jack said sighing.
        "Oh?" 01 asked, "she is hesitating, fighting are orders."
         "She has been here four months." Jack laughed. "What were you expecting." 
         "Obedience." 01 said. "Loyalty. Questions are being asked."
         "My record is no better." Jack replies drinking from his flask.
         "Yes but your results speak louder then any questions that could be asked." 01 said waving her hand for the flask.
        "What about her result." Jack asks.
        "They are what keeps the others at bay." 01 says taking a deep drink. "For now."

       You lay in 049 arms unable to sleep even though your dizzy from exhaustion.
      "Why." You whisper
      "I have stop asking such things." 049 responded.
       "They seem to need you." You answer.
       "Yes, but I refuse." 049 replies softy "I shall never give him asstance."
       "049 is my purpose to bare children?" You ask afaird of the answer.
       "It is but one piece of your gift. You are meant for more." He answers holding you tightly. "Might I ask what has been said?"  Your eyes sting, but you have no more tears left to shed for yourself.
     "He wants me." You begin holding the necklace 049 gave you in your hand. "to give life to Alagadda, to be his bare his...children." You touch the wound on your neck, 049 treament though effective was painful.
      "I will ensure he never finds you." 049 said. "My treaments shall keep him at bay."
      "I want to fight. I am not use to other doing it for me." You reply.
      "Your aid with my cure is most admirable." 049 said rubbing his beak into your cheek. You gently stroke the cool porcelain knowing how much it relaxes him.
      "I am use to a direct approach but I suppose that would be foolish." You sigh.
      "Very." 049 purred in contentment. You smile looking at his face, his eyes were closed and his breathing was slow but steady. He looked so peaceful, so at ease as you began to hum your little tune you always did. The song did not exsit, but you knew how it went. The sound was soft and gentle as you went on, exhaustion crept in on you and finally you slept a wonderful dreamless sleep.

     "Do you know of the biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah?" You ask.
    "Vaguely." Dr Glass said.
    "Read it and you may have an idea of Alagadda. What it has become, what I have seen. It is beautiful beyond all words but that beauty hides a rotten core. When I go there he is watching and he is waiting." You whisper.
    "I thought you just veiwed memories-" Dr.Glass began. Your bitter laugher cuts him off,
     "Time dose not exsit there, the concepts of reality are twisted and corrupted. What we consider past and future exsits all at once." You say your voice quivering. "I...I hate it when I go there."
     "It's okay, Raven." Dr Glass said leaning forward. "Would you consider telling me what happened, what you saw."
      "No." You bluntly state. "SCP 049 mind is fractured, broken apart by two past existing in the space of a single mind. It is better if he never fully recalls what happened and I do not trust that no one would torment him."
     "What about you Raven, your clearly hurting." Dr.Glass said softly.
   "I watched them tare him apart, soil his body and then I saw his mind be given to madness. All anyone ever did was laugh at his suffering. Laugh at his work." You say your voice quiet. "Of course I am hurting. He tried to save them and that is the thanks he got."
     "Save them from what." Dr.Glass asked handing you a tissue.
     "The pestilence." You reply. "The great dying. It happened in Alagadda and I believe 049 is trying to prevent it from happening here. It is not fucking fair! He held out for so long and then they stole it from him!"
     "What did they steal?" Dr.Glass ask.
     "His cure." You say tears falling. "Fucking bastard."
     "Can I sit closer." Dr.Glass asked.
     "Ya." You whisper, keeping any form of a smile was painful so you frown deeply.
      "Thank you." Dr.Glass replies. "Can I ask what happen to give you those marks."
     "The...his claws." You say, "when I tried to get away he raked them down my back."
     "Get away..." Dr.Glass said trailing off so you could finish the sentence."
     "He...whats me." You say feeling sick. "To be his children. To give life to Alagadda once more."  You felt numb inside as you take a long sip of your coffee.
    "Has he done anything to you?" Glass asked gently.
     "No." You say. "More of a promise of what is to come."
     "You have said that 049 is the only one who can protect you." Glasses asks. "Would you tell me more?"
     "His treament keeps me hidden." You reply.
     "I see." Dr.Glass says.
     "May I go now. I have alot of work to catch up on." You reply. "Three days off does that."
      "I truly feel you would benefit from a longer session." Dr.Glass said.
      "I have nothing more to say. I refuse to discuss what happened to 049 and I have told the foundation 035 was the last one to see 049 original work."
      "Raven I want to discuss you and how your coping." Dr.Glass says standing. "Would you like another coffee?"
      "Please and thank you." You reply handing off the cup. "There is nothing much to say, I am doing my best with what has been given to me."
      "Careful it is hot. Agatha is worried your lonely." Dr.Glass stated. You turn away and nod,
     "I have lost my freedom, family and friends. Yes you could say I am." You say in earnest.
     "It must be difficult for you to be in Euclid holding? To be in a cell?" Dr.Glass asked.
     "I am close to 049, and my office." You reply trying to be positive.
     "049 seems to be important to you." Dr.Glass said. "How is your relationship with him."
      "049 is important to me and I believe it is going well. I am happy and content. There are problems to be sure, but then again our courtship is fairly new." You reply thoughtfully.
     "049 said something very similar earlier today." Dr.Glass replied smiling. "Your like two peas in a pod."
      "That sounds so cozy." You reply smiling as you snuggle into the big chair. Dr.Glass laughs lighty and shakes his head.
      "It dose, you both seem to be very logical in your way of thinking." Dr.Glass said. "Jack mentioned you had said you loved him." You blush madly and clear your throat,
     "Just a slip of the tongue. Jack was trying to kiss me." You reply. "And I wanted him to know how I felt about 049 so he would stop."
      "Odd you choose love to describe your feelings. There are many words you could have used instead." Dr.Glass stated his smile gentle yet mischievous.
      "Ya, odd. Look it has only been three...four months. It is a bit early." You reply. Dr.Glass wrote down several things, before looking back up at you.
     "What are the things you discuss when you are together?" He asked.
     "Medicine, our pasts to the best of his memory, books. 049 is very found of literature and art. He is also a wealth of information on historical topics. "
    "I understand he gave you that necklace." Dr.Glass said. "It is very unique. Test results say the material is very similar to Scp 049 mask."
    "It was a Halloween gift. It may be a bit macabre to some but I truely love it." You say happily fiddling with it. "Some women loves diamonds, I love a hand made anatomical correct heart pendant."
    "He also seems to send you flowers often." Dr.Glass said chuckling his brown eyes soft.
    "Yes, it is nice to come back to my cell and see fresh flowers waiting for me." You answer. "Even more so when there is a note."
   "You seen to also give him gifts correct?" Dr.Glass asked taking more notes.
    "Yes. An incense burner, and some imported lavender tea. I also gave him frankensense oil to rub over his hands. I write letters when I can sense we are unable to be with each other when we want." You reply.
       "Yeah I can see there a huge leaps of time between some vists." Dr.Glass said more to himself. "How did you like sharing a cell with Scp 049?"
      "His company is comforting, and enjoyable. We often talked for hours after dinner which I sorely miss. To be honest I also liked the freedom of physical intimacy when I wished. I felt happy." You answer. "I just wish we could have some privacy."
     "I can understand." Dr.Glass replied, "Scp 049 expressed similar sentiments to me. He seems to be extremely private and almost old-fashioned in his views." You can't help but laugh lightly and fondly as you think about it,
    "Yes very much but not all his views are old fashion. For instance he was baffled when I said some men did not like women working. Or that some jobs were consider more masculine and other feminine." You say.
    "Honestly?" Dr.Glass asked smiling. "I am kinda surprised."
    "049 pays little regard to a persons sex or orientation." You reply, "he was baffled when he over heard a gay researcher bullied but some meat head Agent."
     "Seriously!" Dr.Glass said.
     "Yep, he was just so confused about why it bothered them, or how it was there bussiness in the first place." You say taking a sip of your coffee. "It was endearing."
    "Are those things not an issue in... Alagadda." He said after checking the name.
    "Nope. Not when you can choose your sex on a whim. Hell you can have no genitals if you want." You reply.
     "Huh. Guess you learn something new everyday." Dr.Glass reply.
      "Dr.Glass, 05 is waiting." An Agent said.
     "I have barely had Raven for 2 hrs." He replies in a huff. "Swear to God. Raven would you mind if we contuined later."
     "Nope....can I go back to work?" You ask.
     "I can sign off on light duties but I think a little more time off would benefit you." Dr.Glass replied.

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