Chapter Thirty - Making Up

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Warning ⚠️ lemon alert.

      You sit in the corner of the observation room on the floor as 049 worked in complete silence within his cell. You did not wish to see him right at this moment, yet something within you wanted his comfort regradless. As you lay your head on your knees you were  coming to realize that you where falling in love with him.
     "Dr.Crow can you put your lab coat in this bag for us?" The reasercher with bright pink lips asks.
    "Sure" You sigh. "I am sorry but have I met you before. I can't quite place you." The women smiled and brushed her Instagram worthy long blond hair behind her ears.
    "Dr. Kimberly Millar, level four researcher. We once had lunch together." She answered.
     "I remember." You reply. Great, you think the head of the mean girls at site 19 got to see everything that just happened.
     "Dose it not burn or strip flesh in anyway when Scp 035 touches you." Dr.Millar asked.
      "No more then a minor skin irritation but it seems I am building a resistance." You reply. "The first time it felt as if I had a horrible sun burn."
      "Can you pass on this resistance to others?" She asked. Her tone and demeanor where professional so you extend her the same courtesy.
    "I have never tried." You reply. The doctors who worked with Abby or Scp 051 still came once a day but to be honest most of your testing was on hold, due to your new position.
    "Do you have an objection to me putting in a request to site command to test it." Dr.Miller asked.
     "No," You reply.
     "I would suggest a shower Dr.Crow. Scp 035 acidic substance is doing nothing for you." She said off handily.
     "I gotcha," Bright said tossing a small ball in the air before catching it. "Go on you look like shit."

      049 closed the well worn cover and gently caressed it for a moment. How long had it been sense he last beheld it, how much had he given in his seemingly endless quest to finding it. Now because of Raven he had it once more. 049 had accepted many years ago he would never behold it when he hide The Black Lord away from the world in Venice. 049 hands twitched at the painful memories that began to resurface, hints of a past burried. 049 had hoped he had escaped Alagadda's cruelty when he came here but he had been so very wrong. He had not known that the Black Lord had been banished to this world, that Catherine was not changed like she declared. 049 would always bare the physical scars from Catherine's final insanity and 035 cruel abuse. Pushing memories aside 049 needed to focus, the cure was now within his grasp. Yet he did not feel the joy he thought he would and this was indeed perplexing for him. Standing he held the old book for a moment feeling the weight of centuries of work in his hands, centuries of sacrifice. His formula had some how remained after all these long years, as well as much forgotten of his history and theories. He rapped on the observation window lightly,
      "Yes good sir." Dr.Bright said dramaticly mocking 049 own accent.
      "I am finished." 049 said his voice soft.
      "Your won't be getting it back anytime soon." Dr.Bright replied. "You still have like 10 minutes give or take."
      "Quite sure doctor." 049 answered waving his hand. He placed it on his operating table and walked back to his desk. 049 needed to begin his preparations for the up coming test that he would need to perform. 049 hears his door open as several gaurds walked in guns drawn, a single shaking D-Class between them.
     "Do not move 049 or we will open fire." A Agent called. 049 ignored them as he carefully began to measure out his ingredients. Once they left he turned on a small burner placing a beaker of water on top.
      "I require mandrake root." 049 called out. "As well as fresh belladonna berries."
      "Your fresh supplies are due in three days, I will send a note to Dr.Itkin." Dr.Bright replied.
     "Very well," 049 said. "When will Raven return. Her aid would be valuable. "
      "I would leave her alone right now." Dr.Bright replied. "Unless you want to lose your balls?"
      "Pardon?" 049 asked alarmed. 
      "Dr.Crow is upset." Dr.Rights clarified. "It would be in your best interest to let her cool off."
      "I do not have time for petty emotions, surely she will understand." 049 exclaimed.
      "049 I am going to do you a favour and not tell her that." Dr Rights said.
     "Oh I heard it quiet clearly." Raven said her golden eyes glowing brightly. She looked freshly showered and no longer bore the ruined clothes she did when first entering his cell.
      "Ah very good," 049 said happily. Surely she saw the logic in his way of thinking. "Shall we begin, there is much to be done and your help would be most appreciated."
       "I will be with you in a moment." Raven replied.
       "Excellent." 049 said still oblivious. Raven set to work straight away, forgoing her usual warm greeting. They toiled in a heavy silence, that felt very uncomfortable. 
      "My dear would you pass me that beaker?" 049 asked her.
      "Don't! Call me that right now." Raven said coldly handing him the demanded item. 049 looked at her for a moment stunned by her words.
      "If you are still angered then why help me?" 049 asked. She pauses for a moment biting her lower lip before responding,
      "You wouldn't understand." Raven whispered "Let's just do this please."
      "As you wish." 049 said unsure of how to react. Hours passed and Raven only grew more cold and distant. Though the level and heart of her work never faltered. Her utter dedication to him and his work began to make his chest tighten with an unknown emotion. No one had ever helped him as she did now. No one believed in him as she did. It seemed dispite everything she truly believed in him.
      "Do you want the powders on your desk?" Raven asked him her voice soft.
       "Yes that will be fine." 049 replied.
       "I should leave." Raven sighed. "It is getting late and I am getting tired."
        "Ah yes." 049 replied. "I shall only be moment longer then we may go."
        "I will be fine 049." Raven said washing her hands. "You should stay here and work."
       "Oh." 049 said a feeling of uncertain nervousness washing over him, "very well."
        "Goodnight 049." Raven said walking to the door. "Please try to not over work yourself."
        "Goodnight." 049 began as he watch her go. A sudden surge of panic hit him as she walked away. Grabbing her wrist he cleared his throat.  "If you should be in need, I shall come to you. Please do not hesitate."
        "I can take care of my own petty emotions." Raven replied pulling herself free. 049 pursed his lips as he watched Raven leave. What could he say to his own words, sighing he sat down and began to jot down some notes. Only any words of value failed him. Staring at the pages in his book, he began to wonder. How did she manage to convince 035 to part with his original work? Anxiety settled within him as he shifted uncomfortable at the thought. What if 035 demanded his Raven lay with him? The irritation on her lips and face spoke of some sort of contact. As well as the marks along her breast. 049 past came to haunt him once more and his gut wrenched at the idea Raven endured the same fate as himself. No! Impossible she would never betray him like that but what if she had little choice. What if her dignity became another sacrifice for the cure. The thought of his old friend soiling his Raven's beauty and tasting of her sent a maddening rage unbound threw his body. His muscles coiled tightly as the monster called jealousy reared its ugly head.

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