The Angel's Sacrifice Ch. 5

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Jack calmly looks up and says, with a raised eyebrow, "You're not supposed to be out of your room." He slowly takes another huge bite of brownie.

I look on in disgust. He's actually just scraping the brownies out of a pan with a spoon. What a guy...

"Well I wouldn't be out of my room if you would have given something to eat," I say. And to prove my point my stomach lets out yet another earth shaking growl. I wince-- that one hurt.

Jack scoffs. "What makes you think that I should feed you?" he says as he takes another bite of brownie. He waves around a spoon full of that chocolaty delicious-ness and I start to drool. No- focus, Fae!

Jack gets up from the table and walks over to the dark granite counter and sets the pan into the sink. I see that now it's licked clean. He smiles and with an evil glint in his eye says, "Whoops-- all gone. Guess there's nothing left for you. Well, no reason to stick around; get your ass back into your room," he pauses then says with a sneer, "Oh, and loose the attitude- no one likes a whiny."

The nerve! Rage boils up. "Look brownie-bastard, either you feed me or... or I'll leave!" I shout. Lame, I know but I've never been one to think best when angry.

Jack stops smiling and for a brief second fear flashes in his bright green eyes but it passes. Crossing his arms, he stares me down. When I don't back off he smirks. "And where will you go, Miss-I'm-so-confident? You have no one-- no one. Didn't you hear the message? You are alone. No one even knows you left. Your family doesn't even know you exist any more. Ha-- like they even cared about you in the first place."

I don't even try to hide the shock and anger. "Wh-what did you do!? They... they don't even care? No... You're lying!" How could this be? Did he pull some sort of trick? Is he just messing with me? Why is it so hard to think all of a sudden? A crushing headache pounds a beat in my head.

Jack chuckles darkly. "Nope, they're gone, babe. Would have killed them-- still debating that personally-- but that would’ve been too much trouble." He looks right into my eyes as he says, "Looks like no one gives a shit about you, huh? Get used to it—‘cause that's how it's gonna be bitch."

Tears blur my vision but I don't care. I fly forward towards Jack and scream hysterically, "What did you do?!?!" I scream, scratch, punch-- anything. I want him to feel pain, so much pain. My head hurts like the devil, and my vision is a slight haze. I know that he's just trying to get me enraged but I can't help but fall into the trap. I continue to try and hurt Jack. I guess he's in shock because he doesn't react for a few seconds, then in one fast motion, so fast I don't even see it, he whips me off and throws me to the other side of the kitchen. He's there in a blink of an eye. He pulls back his arm, getting ready to strike. A shadow of hate falls onto his face. Pulling back farther he smiles darkly.

I won't give up... I can't give up! But I know it's no use fighting. I close my eyes and wait for pain.


His fist comes so fast I don't even see it but I don't feel it yet either. I open an eye as I hear wood snapping and crunching right above my head. I open both eyes as Jack looks at me. Breathing heavily his eyes go back to normal. We lock eyes and he roars, "GO!!!"

I scramble to my feet and race out of the kitchen, tears streaming down my face. As I run away I hear Lance say, "Why did you stop?"

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