The Angel's Sacrifice Ch. 24

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~*~ Jack's POV ~*~

Sticky, artificial cherry tasting lips crush against mine, impairing my ability to turn away from the unwelcome kiss. Her body uncomfortably pressing against mine, I try to shift as her hands claw my face, holding me in the position.

Suddenly, I hear glass exploding into a million pieces. Marcie and I snap out of the disgusting kiss, Marcie's eyes slightly glazed over as we stare in the direction of where the dastardly noise came from.

Fae, standing in the doorway to the library, stands in such a way that screams "disbelief" while her face contorts with shock mixed with horror. Very distinctly, I hear whisper, "Jack." As soon as she does, her mouth smashes together before turning and fleeing the room.

My stomach twists inside of me, nerve racking guilt hurting everything, though I have done nothing of my own accord to provoke such a feeling.

"Wha... what's her problem?" Marcie asks, seeming to be drunk.

Doing my best not to slap her, I settle for pushing Marcie off my lap, sending her crashing onto the floor. Serves her right for coming onto me, I try to justify. Regardless, I'm still in a heap of trouble as I stand up, wondering how the hell I'm supposed to tell Fae that what she saw wasn't what meant to happen.

~*~ End Jack's POV ~*~

Time doesn't seem to exist in the greenhouse as the sky refuses to change from a moody gray. Sitting on the lush grass, the plants don't hold the beauty they did however long ago I was last in here.

I'm full of hurt as I pluck leaves and petals from nearby flowers. Finding out that my only friend left in the world has a dark, hidden past before seeing the only boy I'll ever love make out with a girl who seems to have no morals clouds my thoughts. I'm sick with unanswered questions, mostly dealing with Jack. Such questions like, Why did you do it? and, Do you know how much you’re hurting me? are popular but the main one is, How much longer do I have?

Suddenly, I burst out laughing, with absolutely no humor involved. I sound depressed and vaguely, I wonder if I am. But why wouldn't I be? The issues of my life pile up and I continue to wallow in self-grief, while I wonder if things will ever get better.

I've had too many moments of attempting to let go, too many symbolic actions that get skimmed over and too much sorrow in the past few years for it to seem likely. The only light that I had in the darkness was Jack, and now that too has been taken away.

I crave for his touch, though I hadn't noticed how much I needed it until now. The saying "You don't know what you got until it's gone" runs through my head. He had seemed so into me, on equal levels of affection that I was on. What was I missing? Was I that blind to see that Jack was just another player, despite being in a form of dead? And that was another thing: How could I love something that had already passed on?

I feel so defenseless, unprotected. There is so much I don't know about the castle and everyone and my emotions. I'm supposed to co-exist with "people" I don't even know the background of while I struggle with day to day feelings that I shouldn’t have to deal with.

But my heart stomps on all of this. I just had to be strong. But why? Why be strong when I could be weak and let depression take me over? Let this all just be over. Like a line in one of my favorite songs: Depression please cut to the chase, and cut a long story short / Oh please be done, how longer can this drama afford to run?

But, I know with sudden recognition, I would fight. My love for Jack was too strong and I have been through too much to just let it go. I would fight and I would some how win.

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