Hot Drinks, Hot Faced (Midoriya POV)

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I caught Todoroki gazing at me with his heavenly chocolate brown and icy blue eyes. It made my heart jump inside me and I felt my face flush cherry red. I quickly moved my gaze to the floor, trying to avoid possible confrontation.

I fidgeted with my hands in my lap, Todoroki was trying to hide his actions by making it seem like he was signalling for the waitress. It wasn't working very well. He was hiding a smile while he looked out at the rest of the cafe. There was only a few people seated there, and most of them were couples. It made me wonder...

Did we look like a couple?

No, that was a stupid thing to think. I shouldn't be forcing my fantasies onto a close friend. I wouldn't want to make them uncomfortable, not at all. The waitress had seen Todoroki trying to get her attention and she was hastily making her way towards us.

"Are you two ready to order?" she questioned. She was arguably quite pretty, with long brown hair and a lovely voice.

"Yes," Todoroki answered. "I'll have a hot chocolate. Uh, Midoriya, do you know what you want?" he asked gingerly to the table top, not looking me in the eye. Most likely hoping I had forgotten what had just happened.

"Oh. Uh, I'll have a hot chocolate too."

"Great! I'll go get those for you!" The ribbon of her apron whipped quickly around her as she darted off. A few of the cats twitched an ear in her direction at the sudden change in the air.

"Hmm, uh... Do you wanna know about the cats?" I said abruptly, feeling my useless knowledge of this cafe may safe the embarrassment. The few moments of awkward silence were really making me feel uncomfortable so I tried to bring something up to break it.

"Huh? Oh, yeah sure. Do you know all of them?" Todoroki pressed, I hid a bashful smile. He probably assumed that I knew all of the names since I must visit here so often. He was a little bit right though, despite me wanting to show it.

"N-not all of them! I don't know the new ones at least!" I protested. "But there's Matcha, Sakura, Sage... I think I heard there's a new one called Bumble Bee from the monthly newsletter..." I realised I wasn't really helping myself in my uncontrollable rambling. Todoroki chuckled to himself behind a closed hand. I realised I hadn't taken the time to see what he was wearing. I was always too focused on his breathtaking complexion to notice much else.

He was wearing a dusty grey turtleneck that framed his perfect jawline, and a large beige coat with brown buttons sewn onto the edges. He was also wearing a pair of glasses with clear rims that perched on the edge of his defined nose that added to his natural charm.


A couple of minutes past since we ordered and I had chatted aimlessly to Todoroki about the cafe's monthly newsletter and new menu items, and other small, useless information. But he seemed to be enjoying himself, he would smile at me as I rambled on passionately about something I knew he couldn't care less. 

Suddenly, I saw a figure move very quickly from the corner of my eye, stopping me mid-speech. It was the waitress with our two hot chocolates. She seemed very happy, as if she'd been chatting with another wait staff about an inside joke.

"Two hot chocolates?" she said as she placed each cup in front of us. Steam was dancing from the tops of the mugs and there was a cocoa powdered cat was printed on the top. It smelled invitingly delicious. I looked up at Todoroki and gave him a small grin.

"Thank you, miss. How much will that be?" I was taken a back at his politeness in offering to pay. I almost butted in to say that I was the host and therefore I should pay for him. But his tone sounded so convincing and so straight forward that I couldn't fin the courage to.

"$6.35, but don't worry about the check just now. We have your bill saved so you only have to pay when you leave! Please enjoy!" and just like that she whisked off again to some hidden back room to prepare more orders.

I eyed Todoroki's sly hands fold around the small mug and lift it up to his lips, his glasses fogged up slightly, making him look even more like a dream as the dimmed snowy light drifted onto his defined features from the window beside us.


Thank you for reading the fifth chapter of my Tododeku fan fiction! Sorry it was kinda trashy this week, I'm not feeling too inspired. There will be some better scenes next week, so stay tuned!

If you find any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes in my story, please inform me so I can make the next reader's experience more enjoyable!

Please look out for the next chapter titled: "Hot Drinks, Hot Faced (Todoroki POV)" this coming Friday (AWST)!

~ sakuga ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡

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