Chapter 4

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**Two Months Later**

Pan stood atop the mountain staring down at the empty forest.

"It is quite lonely here" The Shadow said from behind him, reading his mind.

Pan nodded in agreement. "It does. My friends- the kids from the orphanage would love it here! No older kids to bully them!"

The shadow floated towards Pan and stood beside him.

"You were one of those bullies" It replied, not even glancing at Pan.

He looked down thoughtful for a second. And only a second. He smiled.

"Yes I know. But atleast here they will eat"

"And if they want to leave?" it asked.

"They won't" Pan snapped turning towards the shadow.

The shadow nodded. "Do you wish for me to bring them here?"

Pan looked back at the forest and nodded.

The shadow looked at Pan and dropped something in his hand. A small bottle rolled around in his palm.

"What's this?" He growled.

"It's a potion. Give them this when they do wish to leave and it will ensure that they will stay" it replied.

"That day will never come" He growled again.

"Maybe it will maybe it won't." It said before flying off over the forest causing some of the trees to sway in its wind.

He waited patiently on the mountain side watching over the lonely island.

"They will never leave..." He thought. "This place is meant for kids. Why would they wish to leave?!"

When the shadow returned, he carried two children who Pan recognized as the ones who he read bed time stories to.

When they safely landed and the shadow disappeared, He made his appearance to the kids.

"Hello" he said stepping out from behind the trees.

They turned towards him and shouted out in glee. "Peter!"

"Peter we found you! Did the mean shadow take you too?!" One shouted.

He shook his head and chuckled. "No. He did but um that was a long time ago. Now you're here on my island"

One tilted their head to the side, Curiousity dancing on their young features. "Your island?"

He smirked and opened his arms out wide. "Welcome to NeverLand my friends!"

The children remained in the forest after making a place a camp for the boys. Peter decided it was a nice place for them to live in and was even nicer if they had more friends.

The shadow appeared beside him.

"Fetch me more. This place needs more boys" He said to the shadow.

"Of course, Peter" it said.

He nodded and watched the shadow disappear once more only to return with two more boys.

This repeated for several more boys until the small forest opening was full of boys partying and dancing beside the campfire. They chanted songs in pure glee.

He smiled to himself happily watching hen party. He sat beside the group on a rock watching the fire roar along side the kids.

He played tunes on his flute for them to dance to until the night ended.

After weeks of long nights of partying, some boys came up to Pan and complained.

"Peter we're getting tired of this! We want to go back to the orphanage! We want Mrs Pallan back!" They complained.

Pan scowled. "What? How could you want to move back?! That place is horrible to you! To me! Why in the world would you go back?!" He shouted loudly.

They flinched.

"It wasn't the orphanage that was bad! It was Jonathan! Please Peter we want to go back home!"

He snarled. "Home?! You are orphans! There is no home! This will be your new home!"

One of them began crying as the others comforted him.

One of the elder boys stepped up and glared his direction.

"It may have not been home to you but it's the best home for us. And we want to go back. At least Mrs Pallan respects our wishes" he glared.

Pan twitched slightly before smiling gently.

"Alright..." He drew out. "Sleep for tonight. We will leave tomorrow"

The boy looked shocked at first before he smiled back and lead the boys back to their sleeping arrangements.

Pan retreated to his hut in preparation for the trip the next morning. He didn't intend to follow through with the shadow's wishes, most likely because he never wanted to hurt his friends.

"You're allowing them to leave?" The shadow asked with a slight menace hidden in it's voice.

Pan glanced at it and shrugged, "I can't deny their request for freedom."

The shadow glared at Pan and flew upwards before returning and vanishing into Pan's back.

Pan's once brown eyes flashed a bright white color and returned as a light hazel.

"If you won't do it," The shadow growled from within Pan, "Then I will."

The shadow, now as Pan, reached into his pockets and pulled out the small bottle. After looking at it for a second, he poured out the contents of the bottle into the pipes and watched it evaporate into a gas.

He smirked and walked towards where the boys were sitting around the fire talking.

He held up the flute and grinned. "Shall I play us one last song?" He asked.

The boys nodded eagerly.

He placed his lips to the flute and played the song that only the ones who are affected by the gas can hear.

The shadow made a mental note of calling the young boys The Lost Boys for the side effects of the potion was if it was ever broken, all memories that were inside them would evaporate leaving them lost.

They all turned towards Pan.

"Do you still wish to leave NeverLand?" He asked.

They all shook their heads and made themselves comfortable and continued their conversation like nothing had happened after responding with a short sentence that made Pan grin.

"NeverLand is our home"

He grinned and flipped the flute around and caught it back in his hand.

"Perfect. Just perfect"

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