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Hello helloooo. Great to see some faces in the crowd! *cricket noises*
Alright so update time.

I last updated this book in 2015. Why I left so suddenly? I stumbled around with my writing and along with the many projects I was working on, I came to a sudden halt. From everything I was publishing on wattpad to my own personal writings and works I had going with close people, I just stopped it all.

The reason was something I struggled with accepted and more especially tell people who enjoyed these works just as much as I did. And for this long wait, I'd like to apologize.

I had been struggling with accepting myself and bringing back the inspiration to write again and even now, I still struggle. I have tried making pervious updates explaining why I had delayed updates for long periods of time and how I had suddenly lost the motivation to continue them. But i never could bring myself to publish them.

And it hurt me seeing all these works that I used to spend hours working on just sit there as time wasted away. But after awhile, I decided enough was enough. I'm feeling better than I was back then and I'm thinking about continued some works on here.

However some stories will remain untouched.

Stories that will continue are:
Catty Much? (because this brought me joy once and I'm hoping it will continue to do that)

PeterPan (because this concept was fascinating to me and I would love to finish it)

And that's it.

I'm sorry for the ones I will not be continuing and I hope you understand.

Thank you to all those who kept my stories and continued reading them, even when things weren't like they seemed. You brought a smile to my face every time I read a new comment or saw more views. It was the best part.

And thank you if you continue to read them during this "Wattpad rebirth" 😂

Thank you again. I cannot even express my feelings.


PeterPanWhere stories live. Discover now