Chapter Fourty Five

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Arabella felt something freezing cold wash over her.

Her eyes shot open only to be surrounded by water. Her lungs were burning and she began choking on water before she was pulled out.

"Good, you're awake, I was beginning to get bored. You've been out for nearly a week, beginning to think I killed you. Wouldn't be the first," he joked.

She coughed up water, breathing in lungfuls of air.

"Tell me what you know."

Arabella stayed silent which anger him.

He punched her in the face, busting her lip before roughly pushing her over.

God, please don't let him kill my child, she thought to herself.

As if reading her thoughts, he landed a kick to her rib, causing a snap to resonate throughout the room. She grimaced, as it became painful to breathe.

"The less you speak, the more painful it'll be for you."

She rolled her eyes at him and gave him a bloody smile. "Then I guess it's about to become hell in here because I'm not saying a word."

He smirked at her although she could evidently see the anger swirling in his eyes. "Hell it is then," he muttered before gripping her hair roughly.

He dragged her to the wall she was previously chained to before he bashed her face against the wall, not once, not twice, but thrice, hard enough that she began seeing spots and the wall was smeared with blood.

He threw her onto the floor before walking to a tray that was on a table in the corner of the room. He picked something up and her heart dropped at the sight of it.

A knife. He also lit a cigarette while he slowly walked back to her. "This method is rather boring, don't you think? But it's one of the slowest yet most painful methods, so we're stuck at a crossroads, aren't we? But I'm sure you remember it from way back when."

She did. When she was younger, she didn't give him what he wanted and he strapped her down. He pulled her pants off and took the same knife in his hand.

"Has Antonio noticed it yet? Hm? The scars, I mean. Although I do suppose it does look quite like stretch marks if you just skim past it. But god! How magnificent it looked while it bled scarlet," Ivan reminisced.

Arabella knew better than to respond so she focused on regaining her vision back, but stopped when she felt a burning pain on her back. She cried out, looking back to see that Ivan put out his cigarette on her back, leaving a permanent mark amongst the many others he gave her in the past.

"Quite a collection you have here, Bella. I remember your thighs looked similar, didn't it. Let me see," he said, separating her legs which was hard to do since she was tied up.

He ran his knife down her thigh, softly, before he pressed harder and split her skin, blood oozing out of the wound. All she could think of was Antonio. Was he coming? Shouldn't he have already came for her? Ivan said she's been out for days and she wasn't sure how long it'll be until Ivan does something to her stomach.

He seemed to get even angrier at the fact that she zoned out instead of paying attention to what he was doing to her. He raised his hand and dug the knife deep within her thigh, causing her to scream out in pain whilst he smugly grinned.

"Get up. I want to play a game. If you can beat me in hand-to-hand combat, you're free to leave."

Arabella has no idea how she managed it, but somehow stood up, weakly lifting her arms up in a defensive stance. He cut the ropes, although he 'mistakenly' took some skin with it.

She took a step forward, throwing a punch to his face which he side-stepped, before he kicked her knee inwards, she felt the bone pop out of place, causing her to fall onto her side, crying out as she landed on her ribs.

"Guess you lose," he taunted before kicking the side of her head, knocking her out.

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