Part 25

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"Ok father." He said whilst crying his eyes out.

"Thank you Yoshiki, you are not a bad child you are the best I could ever ask for goodbye Yoshiki my beloved son."

Yoshiki watched his father fall into the water down below. His body crashed into the water ending him in an instance. This signified the change in Yoshiki's life. Blood dripped onto the ground from Yoshiki's eyes.

 Blood dripped onto the ground from Yoshiki's eyes

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"Mangekyo Sharingan."

Yoshiki opened his eye to reveal the Mangekyo Sharingan.

The child stood their just staring at the waterfall

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The child stood their just staring at the waterfall. He stood their for a few minutes until he remembered what his father had said to him. What his father said echoed through his head. He then started to walk to his former home. The sun had started to rise so the demons wouldn't be in the Village anymore.

As he walked he remembered what had happened on his birthday. The deaths of the Uchiha. And the start of Yoshiki Uchiha. The closer he got to the village the more detailed he remembered what had happened. The boy then walked through the large wooden gates and was greeted by corpses. Yoshiki walked to his home and entered the house. He stared at his mother's body laying I her own blood. He quickly looked away bleaching his mind of the scene.

He walked over to his room and grabbed some thing that he would need such as the demon slayer corps book and some other books that father had gave me. I also grabbed a bag to put all of my stuff in.

Then I went to Fathers room and circled through his bookcase looking for the books he said I should get such as the Mangekyo book and Uchiha book. But I also grabbed a book about the "Eternal Mangekyo" because it was a short book that I could take with me. Yoshiki then placed the books into his bag then headed into the living room to open my gifts for my birthday. I picked up a gift with a note on it.

"Dear Yoshiki, this is a cloak that I used to wear when I was a demon slayer it can resist attacks from demons up to the weaker Upper Moons. If you pull the string on the inside you can adjust the size of it so it will last you for a while. Love Father.

The cloak was a onyx black that matched with my blade it had blood red clouds that decorated all around the outside of the cloak. I then tried on the cloak, it was a bit large but I adjusted the size with the strings on the inside.

I then picked up the next gift and opened it that reveal some writing in the inside.

"Dear Yoshiki, hello Yoshiki I hope you enjoy the gift! It's a mask that can resist demon attacks so if you are on a stealth mission you can wear that to hide your identity Love Mother"

The mask was pure black like his blade and matched with his cloak. It also had the kanji "death" below the left eye.

Yoshiki then placed the mask in the bag that was hidden under the cloak. And then picked up a lighter from his father's desk. Then left the house and the got to the gates of the village. He then activated his lighter started to burn the village by using the lighter and breathe of the sun.

2 Hours Later

Ubayashki Pov

Ubayashki was relaxing in his room that was suddenly disrupted by a crow.

"Quak Quak Uchiha Village Has Been Destroyed Uchiha Are All Dead Quak". The crow squawked out.

"What the Uchiha are dead?" Ubayashki said shocked.

"Send some slayers to go and check it out."

"Quak Understood Quak". It whilst flying Into the distance.

Kanae Pov

I was playing with Shinobu in our room until we heard a knock from downstairs. We heard Mother open the door and she suddenly shouted.

"Yoahiki! What Has Happened?!? Why are You Covered In Blood And Why Are Your Eyes Bleeding?!?"

Me and Shinobu Perched up after we heard mother mention Yoshiki. We ran down stairs to see Yoshiki covered in blood and bleeding from his eyes.

"Yoshiki! What has happened?" Shinobu Asked

"Yoshiki why are your eyes bleeding?"

Feather came after hearing all the commotion and looked at Yoshiki and his expression changed from his usual happy expression to a shocked expression.

"Yoshiki, they haven't have they?" He asked extremely confused.

Yoshiki then started to cry.

"Yep your right Uncle Funai, there all dead everybody everybody's dead." He said into Father's shoulder.

"No it can't be Yoshihiro and Ulla!"

"What's the matter Funai!? She asked really concerned.

"Ulla and Yoshihiro are all dead and the Uchiha Village their all dead." He said whilst tears dripped from his eyes.

It felt like life stopped Auntie Ulla and Uncle Yoshihiro. There dead. We all started to cry sad couldn't describe how I felt it felt like a large portion of my life had been Destroyed.

For the next few minutes silence was the only thing that be heard. Yoshiki then headed upstairs into his room and didn't come out for the rest of the day. Unless it was for food he didn't speak a word the only thing he spoke was sorrow.

Thank you for reading and thank you for 1.7k reads

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