Part 62

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"Breath Of The Water, Breath Of The Sun Second Form."

"Phoenix Conflux."

The airborne warrior unsheathed his blade whilst calling out attacks. His blades stroked against the demons piercing their skin by just the tinniest touch. The mans attack was similar to what Giyu and Sabito use but instead of water flowing with the blade a sun coloured effect trailed behind the blade, his two blades are parallel with each other and made one singular strike. I had to engage, if I didn't he would most likely attack us, his aura is potent and violent and it scares me.

Did he just combined Breath Styles? I don't know anybody that was else that was taught by Urokodaki who can do that, maybe it's Murata no no no.

Tanjiro Pov

The mans scent was familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. There is no time to think! The demons are dangerous, a blow from them would kill me, I can't get hit but I can't let Uzui san go in by himself.

"Breath Of The Fire God First For..."


He sent a hard jab with his elbow into my stomach which nocked the wind out of me but Uzui was still charging at him. Uzui shouted some breath Styles that I couldn't hear over my frantic breathing and sent a heavy attack at the figure. Before I could even process what had happened Uzui had vanished from the scene and the man was battling the demons again.

"Tanjiro wake up,"

"Wake up Onii Chan."

"You need to wake up,"

"You need to save them,"

Uzui Pov

Ubuyashiki-san said that it would be just us in this. The random seems rogue he seems like a problem...

"Breath Of Sound, First form Roar!"

The sound pillar threw some of his bombs around his new target and dashed behind him into his blind spot. When the bombs exploded Uzui would be fine but the random wouldn't be. He launched a twin bladed attack towards him enemy. Uzui's attack were about to connect until the enemy caught both of the blades with his hand.

Even if that didn't hit him the bombs will! At least his death will be flamboyant!

He revealed one of his blades in his left hand and sliced behind him trying to do something. The blade almost cut into my neck but in the nick of time I was able to dodge.

Fast basterd!

But he wasn't aiming for me, his blade was sideways, Weird, almost as if he was presenting me something.


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On his blade were the tops of my bombs. The fuses that would ignite them quickly fizzed out as he shared them off his blade.

Who was he?

My thought was quickly answered when the moonlight perfectly shined revealing his face.

It was him, that basterd! The one who mocked us! The one who beat Upper Moon Three and Two! This won't go well.

"You, you bastered! Why are you here! Are you going to kill us!"

"Bold of you to assume that, I'm here to see how my student is getting on."

His student? It wouldn't be Inosuke he can't use breath styles, it couldn't be Zenitsu he just isn't cut for it. That only leaves Kamado boy, that would explain his rapid gain in power!

"What have you been doing to Tanjiro!"

"That's not for you to know, and if you interfere."

His onyx eyes changed to the feared crimson orbs.

"I'll kill you."

What Do You Guys Think They Did? And why is Shinobu angry?

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What Do You Guys Think They Did? And why is Shinobu angry?

Hello everybody 👋 it's me again,

Firstly thank you all for 35k reads we are getting more and more reads everyday which is crazy considering when we started i was happy to get a read a day!

But most importantly how is everybody doing? And enjoy the rest of your days.

Next chapter 28th Janvier.

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