quirk: Mimicry
Mimicry grants the user to mimic (copy) up to 3 quirks at once. User is also able to copy mutation quirks but will get terrible pun where mutation occurs.
Ex: if use was to copy Hawks' quirk, they would feel back pain after long use of his quirk
If the user already has 3 quirks and wants another, they would have to forget all 3 quirks. To actually copy a quirk, the user has to make some sort of contact with the other quirk user.
Other than the pain of mutation quirks, and the ability to only hold 3 quirks, there are no drawbacks.
Once user begins to get worn out, their ability to use quirks weakens and they become less powerful. The stronger and more agile the user is, the minger they are able to fight and use their quirks for.

Desired Reality 1 BNHA
FanfictionThis is my script for my first desired reality. I'm just digitalizing it here so I can always have It. I am 3rd year in the hero course at UA and I just got transferred to work at the Hawks Agency. I have a twin sister and she is in the support cou...