Specific Items I Want in DR

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•my phone
•my notebook
•Nintendo switch with every game (it never dies)
•a credit card with unlimited money, it is legal
•my dorm dresser always has clothes that fit me, whatever clothes I want will appear there
•I have a device that I can use to immediately contact Hawks I'd I'm in danger. I keep it in my desk drawer
•I will have many pencils on my desk and if I lose one, they automatically end up there
•my headphones never get lost, they always end up in my pockets, backpack, or on my desk
•I have 2 Hero suits so that if I lose or damage one, I have the other
•I will have my electric bass in my dorm room with an amp
•I will have a nice camera in my dorm room so that I can take many photos
•I will have a photo printer on a shelf with unlimited photo paper and ink
•I have a tv in my dorm room so I can watch whatever I want

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