Chpt 2 ~ A Quick Shower

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Illumis pov

I awoke the next morning with a small headache. The smell of alcohol wavered in the room as I look over to see the glass outlet of liquor completely gone.

What the hell happned? I get out of bed and pick out some clothes for the day and lay them on my bed. I stop as steam seeps from under the door to my bathroom and the sound of rushing water from my shower. Who the hell is in my room?

I open the bathroom door as steam hit me in the eyes.

"Illu~ care you join me for a quick shower?"

Immediately knowing who it was I glared at hisoka as he brushed out his hair in the mirror, the only thing he was wearing was a towel that was wrapped around his waist.

"I never said you could us my shower"

Hisoka looked over at me and shrugged continuing to brush his hair out.

"Well I'm waiting for my cloths to wash Anyways, care to join?"

He pointed over to the shower, hot and ready. My head was telling me absolutely not, but my heart was screaming yes, ever so desperately.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to see hisoka standing right in front of me, his hand placed on his hip. He leaned down by my neck and inhaled the scent of me, my cheeks slightly turning red but I kind of liked it.

"Come on, you smell like vodka and blood, you need to take one." He says cocking an eyebrow.

I stare off in the distance debating wether to or not. "Sure, Fine, but don't try anything hisoka."

He smiles. "Of course not Illu~ after all we are just business partners."

He turned away back towards the mirror and began to remove his makeup.


He turned around and smiled. "Yes Illu~?"

"Did I say anything.... out of ordinary last night while I was drunk?"

He tilted his head placing a finger to his chin.
"No nothing much, you threatened me a couple of times but that's nothing out of the ordinary."

He's lying, I know he is.

Hisoka walked up to the shower opening the door and stepping in, his towel flying over the edge of the shower landing at my feet.

"Coming Illu~?"

I removed my pants and underwear and stepped up to the shower door. The glass on the door was faded as well as the steam fogging it up.

This definitely wouldn't be the first time seeing hisoka naked, I mean come on it's hisoka, he's naked all the fucking time for no reason whatsoever.

But this is the first time he will be seeing me, but why do I care? Why does this time feel.... different? It's like I want to see him like this, and strangely I want him to see me.

I open the door to the shower and step in.

My shower was definitely huge, it could fit probably around four people no problem, the wall was made from stone like most of the rooms in the house, and the water rained down almost like a water fall, small stone benches circled the outermost of the shower.

I immediately spot hisoka sitting down, his legs crossed as he looked at me up and down, smirking.

"Come know illumi, no need to be so tense, you definitely don't have anything to be embarrassed about."

I look away in disgust and begin washing my hair.

I could feel hisokas cold eyes staring me down, chills ran up my spine but I shook it off and continued like he was never there.

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