Chpt 14 ~ A Long Day of Everything

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Illumis pov

I was awaken the next morning to something being thrown at my face. My hair in rags as I look up to see Hisoka throwing clothes from my closet, scattering them all around my room.

"Hisoka!" What the hell do you think your doing!"

He pokes his head out of the closet door and smiles. "Good morning Illu~ I was just sorting out your clothes, you really need a closet change in my opinion"

He continues throwing clothes out smacking me across the face with a bra that I have no idea came from .....

"Hisoka Amorou!"

He pokes his head back from in the closet smiling. "Yes my dear? Is there a problem?"

I throw the covers off of my self trying to gather all of the strewn cloths he had scattered across my bedroom.

"These are the only cloths I have! You can't just throw them away, new ones aren't just gonna appear outta thin air!"

Hisoka smiles wider. "Of course they don't! That's because they appear on a shelf in a store, I'm taking you cloths shopping today illumi, wether you like it or not"

"S-shopping?, no all of my cloths are perfectly fine"

Hisoka walks out of my closet holding a red flannel pull over cocking an eyebrow. "Illumi, flannel?"

I blush and snatch the shirt from his hands. "It was a dark time, I don't want to talk about it"

Hisoka scowls rolling his eyes. "That's it, that's official, get dressed illumi! I'm taking you shopping!"

He walked over and kissed my forehead. "And don't worry about money, I'll pay for everything my sweet"

I squinted trying my hardest to be angry at him but sadly it came to no prevail and I walked around collecting bits of cloths for today's shopping spree.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Me and Hisoka both dressed in our street wear cloths entered the shopping center, the place was filled with very wealthy looking people all dressed in diamonds and lace.

"Hisoka this place looks.... expensive"

Hisoka smiles. "Of course, this is the only store fit for your style"

I look over at a jacket and look at the price tag

"3,000 Dollars!? Hisoka! This is much to expensive, surely there are better things to do with your money"

He looks at me and shrugs taking my hand as we continue our journey through the clothing store.

"Hisoka I don't think any of these cloths really fit my ...... style, I'm just not seeing anything I like."

Hisoka continues to ignore me and squeezes into my hand tighter, still walking into the shopping center deeper and deeper.

Finally we hit the back of the store and my eyes widened in shock. In the very back of the sprite was a huge wall, and all that was hung up on this wall was at least a hundred different kinds of crop tops all perfectly aligned out.

"You've gotta be kidding me"

Hisoka jumps up in the air giggling and clapping his hands like a little kid. "Oh Illu~! Your going to look so good after I'm done getting through with you"

He licks his lips and pushes me towards the dressing rooms. "Stay here! I'll be right back!"

Hisoka rushes away as I listen to the sound of his heels fade off back towards the crop tops. I sigh and roll my eyes going in to find me a dressing room.

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