She is Time

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The Dairies of The Laughing Wombat

Once upon a time
there was a girl
She Thought about time all the time
She was rarely on time
but never was she late

You will ask yourself time and time again if this is a girl who is all there
If this is someone you can trust
or eventually & most certainly hate

She walks gracefully backwards Moves Forward clumsily and painfully slow
she moves swiftly Is loud and quiet
This is a girl who will be forever on the go

She loves people but her work is done soul-y alone
She is always surrounded by others
yet somehow always off in a corner
sitting by herself
or wandering off on her own

She knows the darkness and Erie stillness quiet of the night
This is where she learned to see and feel sound
so she could sing the frequency of light

She understands there is no such thing just no such thing as a thing
being inherently wrong or right
She is the girl who stands with you when instead of run
you make the choice to step up & fight your fight

If you go left she will always make a
hard sharped right
If you sleep one way at all during the day
you will find her sleeping exactly opposite at night

She knows enough of Everything to know it isn't possible
to know much of anything

She is the bravest the fiercest the most terrified of them all
She sprints swiftly to all her most fearful things
all the while knowing she will jump .... and she will inevitably fall

She is full of love and kindness Yet once was full of hate
She is the girl only the select few will know
the rest you can be sure will never be able to relate

She will always laugh
very rarely will you see her cry
She will get angry and push things out most others keep locked inside

She will talk her way into
any one thing but she cannot be convinced
to do anyone's thing

Everything she says is a big fat messy lie
She always speaks the honest truth
looking you squarely
in the eye

She always appears to be far away
Yet closeness is her game
You will search endlessly for someone like her
You will come up empty
as there is no girl quite the

She is a wanderer a traveler traveling from place to place
she is always at home or
on the roam
Yet resides in her own

She does not know much about you
but knows herself to a high degree
she walks naked from the outside in So everyone else including you
can see

She will lie to you and herself most frequently
Yet truth is the only thing she knows how to speak or how to be
She is a walking talking paradox
to the very highest degree
While this appears to hold her back
embracing her paradoxical self is the only one thing that can actually set her free

She has the understanding that all believes are valid and any believe or non believe can be true
She has the knowledge
that your life is one big story
specifically designed and created
Solely by you

She talks crazy talk the smartest of them would say
to her smart is stupid
so she laughs at them while she pushes
smart away

She was here to find her value being absolutely nothing
she knows you can only be a something
when you're ready and willing
to not be a anything

She explores the idea of what it means to always struggle and resist
Yet going with the flow is a concept She does use An idea in which she will most always insist

She was the rubber band bent backwards which jumped forward twice as far
her entire life had meaning
but had left her with one huge gigantic scar

She arrived early and blazed the trails for all to see so they could follow
Before she knew what happened those trails blazed right through her
leaving her feeling empty..... & completely hollow

Her life was one big drama play on constant forward and rewind
Most others think this girl is crazy and completely out of her koo koo kitty cat mind

She is tough as nails & uniquely strong as delicate
and frail as a flower
She is the girl who wants you to know yourself well so you will step up and own your true  power

She is afraid to stay here
but she doesn't really want to
She is a walking talking paradox to the very highest degree
with many tricks up her paradoxical
striped noted musical tattooed sleeve

She is forward she is backwards
she is everything not in between
a outsider from the rest
She understands that ugly dark black chaos
is gods finest example Of divinity at its best

She is your enhanced mirror
when you'd rather not look Inside
She will see right through your transparency then take you
for one hell of a fucked up ride

She is without a doubt
absolutely gorgeous outside and in
she is ugly as its finest a smirked smile a wide tooth I ate the bird
mischievous kitty cat grin

She will be there with you when you're ready to jump into the void
that big black empty ride
Knowing all along there is no escape unless you're ready & willing to reveal
what you've been so desperately trying to hide

Stand in front or in back which ever place you prefer Just keep in mind You may be there on purpose
as it's entirely up to her

You will ask yourself time and time again
can I trust her or should I go
She responds with a smirk
and screams out loud
It's not me you need to trust silly
but Yourself
That You need to know!

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