"H-Hey, Italy," said Holy Rome, walking up from behind Italy, who was cleaning outside Austria's house, just like he had been doing for the centuries he had known Italy for. Time went far too quickly for countries, though, and it took Holy Rome that much time to become the Holy Roman Empire. Despite being a very powerful empire in Europe, he still wanted Italy to join him, and he thought that after recruiting so many Italian soldiers, it was enough to bring Italy to join him, and finally move out from Austria's place. After all, he had known Italy for so long, and they had always spent so much time together, making memories. Holy Rome did not want to give it up, but he had no choice, as well. He was an empire, and that's how he had to live his life.
Italy stopped sweeping, turning to face him. "Huh?" he asked. "Ah, Holy Rome." Then, tears formed in his eyes, not quite falling. "I-I'm cleaning thoroughly! So don't worry!" Holy Rome ignored this, holding out his hand to Italy. "Hm?" Italy asked, staring down at Holy Rome's tiny hand.
"Italy," he said, "Seriously, will you join the Holy Roman Empire with me?" He blushed, doing his best to maintain eye contact with Italy, his arm still outstretched, but Italy was only staring. "Let's create the strongest country in the world together. Together, we'll be able to overcome anything. People could hate us, try and bring us down, but as long as we have each other... well, that's all we need. We'll be able to overcome anything as long as we're united." He looked away, feeling mortified for expressing his feelings so carefree and open to being rejected and hurt.
Italy was staring quietly, mouth wide open, gaping like a goldfish. Holy Rome watched him, and after a while, after some thought, Italy shook his head a little. "No," he replied quietly, unable to look at Holy Rome, who stared back, devastated, big blue eyes watering, his face turning red.
"Why?" He demanded, dropping his arm back to his side as he stared down at the ground, feeling a little hopeless and pathetic, as if no matter what he did, he was never enough for Italy. "You don't want to spend the rest of your life in a place like this, right? I could make you happy - we could be happy together. Austria, Hungary... they're good... but you're cleaning. You're not as safe here as you are with me. I can protect you, especially from France, and - and I can get your brother back... the one Austria gave away."
He whimpered. "I - I want to... but - but Grandpa Rome fell because he became too big. Grandpa's body was covered by scars and it looked... very painful!" He explained, tears falling down his face as he wiped them away with his long green sleeve. "I - I don't want to see you become like that..." Italy reached out for Holy Rome's hand and he took it, their fingers intertwining, like pieces fitting in a puzzle, the gentle wind brushing past them as they held onto each other, unable to be pulled apart. "Don't become Rome... Don't join the empire..." He sniffed and Holy Rome sighed. "I like you the way you are right now, Holy Rome... So, please..."
Holy Rome stared back, pushing away thoughts of his good memories with Italy. He had been working on becoming the Holy Roman Empire for centuries, even before he met Italy. He had always wanted to become strong, to be able to protect those he cared about, and Italy needed that. She doesn't know what's best for her, yet... He thought, and he closed his eyes, feeling the wind take him away, before he opened his eyes, but he was no longer looking at Italy. Then, he let go, his hand slipping out of Italy's grip as Italy tried to reach out for him again, but his hand was no longer there.
Still blushing, Holy Rome backed away, unable to look Italy in the eye, staring behind him instead. This is for your own good, he thought, and if you don't know it yet... then I have no choice. I'm sorry, Italy... but I have to go... so that I can become strong enough to save you from anything... I want to protect you - I will! So I'm sorry that I have to leave you!
Then, he turned away, the clouds seeming to darken as he let the tears fall, reluctantly leaving Italy behind. The wind seemed harsher as it blew across, his hair ruffling in the wind as he departed, Italy staring as he clutched his push broom tightly.
Holy Rome was not going to come back, not unless Italy chased after him, and he had to, because he didn't want to see Holy Rome get hurt. Holy Rome had always protected Italy, for centuries since they met, and it was time for him to do the same. Italy knew more about empires than he did, and to watch him crumble, like his grandpa...
Italy could not let this happen, but there was no way he could convince him to change his mind, as he believed this was the right thing to do. Italy began to doubt whether being part of an empire was such a bad thing, but he remembered the horrible tales that he was told and he remembered what he had seen and had to believe it. He could not let Holy Rome go - he had to save him, no matter what it took.
Holy Rome... don't do this... I like you just how you are right now. Don't do this for me. I don't want this. I want everything to be like how it is right now. I don't want it to change, even if it means we'll be like this forever. Because it's perfect the way it is, and you are perfect the way you are.

Don't Go
FanficHoly Rome has to leave Italy to go to war and when he comes back, he's not the same as he was... France, no! ☆ 13 chapters is not a coincidence ☆ Lol I don't know what I'm writing haha! Also, HRE is totally messing up Italy's gender. ☆ Lol I feel li...