Practice match

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It's finally Wednesday; your first training match with another school. Or university, will say.

"Oi! Come line up!" Semi yells at his kouhais as the university team begins to go inside the gym. They bow and thank coach Washijo for letting them come here, which Washijo bows at too.

The team lines up neatly and bows, you included. After bowing and Ushijima welcoming the team, they begin warming up as they would do on a match during a cup.

"Ichi ni san shi..."

"Go roku nana hichi"

They boys stretch and begin to do some drills, just to warm up a bit.

And just as you finish preparing before the match by putting water bottles besides the coaches' bench and your notebook in your hands the referee blows in his whistle.

The game starts. Who is setter, you may ask?


Of course you're insanely happy for him; Shirabu got it as punishment for not attending practice when he was sick, which that itself is just as sick. But no one dares to talk against coach so things are just like that.


The resonant sounds of balls being smashed roughly on the ground will always shake you up a bit; it does make one on their toes.

"TSUTOMU YOU BAKA!!! STRAIGHTEN YOUR HIP!!!" Coach yells. Goshiki does a suffering face while yelling "Hai!" back.

You look down on your paper to see the stats so far into the 7-set game.

Shiratorizawa - University team
Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

Set 5

Of course, you're surprised that their stamina is still holding up. The university team seems to be at their brim, while Shiratorizawa just seems as if they're getting into it. If this was a final at the Interhigh you would've won, although you can't really analyze them against eachother as they have different circumstances.

Coach calls the team over, everyone's sweating loads and drinking from their bottles with all their might.

"Your techniques are slacking!!!! Come on now!!! Show your strength!!!"


The team shouts their slogan before returning to the court. The referee blows in his whistle, signalling the start of the 6th set.

You sit down besides coach, deeply satisfied by the team's work so far. They seem to have improved loads.

Semi bounces the ball on the floor a couple of times before the referee once again whistles. Just as he throws the ball up in the air you clench your fist in anticipation; he smashes the ball with all his might causing a loud 'bam' echo through the gym. The resonant sound of it also slamming against the floor, giving the team a point, shakes you to your core.

"NICE SERVE EITA!" Yamagata says while once again positioning himself.

Semi nods and backs away from the line. Another serve upcoming.

East of Japan - Semi EitaWhere stories live. Discover now