Chapter 7

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"And when I was about to leave, he asked me out for dinner next week!" I told Hermione about my meeting with Cedric in the library. We were just causally doing our assignment before he just randomly asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with him. Of course I said yes. I really didn't expect him to ask me out, it was just so out of the blue. He looked so nervous while he asked me, it was the cutest thing ever.

"He totally likes you" Hermione said, as we walked towards the quidditch stadium. Today was the big game day, Slytherin vs Gryffindor. 

"I don't know, I mean he is my friend, just because he asked me to hang out doesn't mean it's a date" I said, not wanting to get my hopes up.

"All this girl talk makes me want to throw up" Ron groaned, making Hermione and I laugh.

"Dude, if he asked you out to dinner then it's a date. If he wanted to hangout with you as friends, he would've asked you for lunch or to just simply 'hang out'" Ron explained to me. I looked at him confused.

"So you're saying that when a boy asks you out of dinner, then it's a date, but if he asks you out for lunch, then it's just as friends?" I asked him. I will never understand boys and their logic. They say us girls are complicated but they are in a whole other different level.

"Yes. Dinner is more romantic and intimate, lunch is more chill and casual" Ron answered. Hermione scoffed.

"Oh, so when you asked me for lunch yesterday you meant us going just as friends then?" She asked, raising a brow at Ron. I quickly stopped talking, intrigued on where this conversation was going.

Ron rolled his eyes at her "No! With us it's different because we're know..."

"Already what? Dating?" Hermione scoffed before adding "Last time I checked, Ron, you hadn't even asked me on a proper date, let alone to be your girlfriend. So no, we're not dating. As of right now I'm currently single"

I walked between the two of them, watching as they bickered. Ron's face was priceless when she said she was single.

"But...what? I thought we were-" Ron said, but Hermione cut him off.

"Have you ever asked me out on a date?" She asked him.


"Have you ever asked me to be your girlfriend? Or even told me you have feelings for me?" She asked again. I have to look down to hide my smile, Hermione never thinks twice before putting Ron in his place. I love it.

"...No" Ron said, looking defeated.

"Exactly, good to know that we're going to lunch tomorrow 'as friends' then" She said. I gave Ron a look of 'You better do something about that, and quickly' as we climbed up the stairs to the bleachers. He gave me a look of desperation, making me laugh.

The day was sunny and hot, not a cloud in sight, perfect for a quidditch game. I was already starting to sweat from the heat as we took our seats in the Gryffindor section. Not long after, the teams made their entrance. As both teams entered the field, we all stood up to cheer, watching as Harry flew around the stadium with a bright smile on his face. He really loves playing this game, it makes me happy to see him enjoying himself.

"Go Harry!" I yelled, Hermione and Ron cheering along. He flew by our seats, giving us a big wave when he spotted us.

They all quickly took their starting positions, waiting for Madame Hooch to begin the game. I couldn't help but notice that Malfoy wasn't in the field, he's part of the Slytherin team, he's supposed to be there.

"Now, remember, I want a nice clean game, from all of you" Madame Hooch said, before she kicked open the box with the Bludgers and the Golden Snitch, making them all fly up.

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