Chapter 42

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A/N: I know most of you will ignore this completely but it's still my job to warn you, this chapter contains R rated content!! If you're under age...well, you've been warned....enjoy :)

February 28

10:30 AM

"Good morning, class! I do hope you're feeling well today" Professor Flitwick, our Charms professor, chimed happily. He placed down his books on top of his desk, before stepping on the high stool in order to have a better view of the class.

Well, let's see, I've lost my three best friends because they don't support my relationship with the boy I'm head over heels for, my uncle has found a way to trespass on school activities without being seen and is now possibly trying to kill me, there's rumors going around that I'm a whore, I haven't heard from my mum in ages and quite frankly, I miss her terribly. But hey, I am doing perfectly well, Professor Flitwick, thank you for asking.

...God, I'm not in a good mood today. Perhaps I'm still a bit worked up over the fight Draco and I had last night. Though, it didn't end badly at all, and we're just fine now. Maybe it's the fact that our O.W.L.S are approaching, and I haven't studied one bit. How could I? There's no way I can concentrate on exams with everything that's going on.

"Stop frowning, Isabelle. It'll give you unnecessary wrinkles between your brows" Clover whispered from beside me, making me roll my eyes.

"Shut up, Clover" I whispered back, as Professor Flitwick rambled on in the background.

"The red head is staring at you again, by the way. Wouldn't want him to think you're miserable without him, now would you?" She quietly asked, smirking as she raised a brow. Out of reflex, I immediately wiped the frown off my face, which made Clover let out a satisfied grin. No, I definitely would not want him to think I'm miserable without him.

"That's more like it" She proudly said, making me roll my eyes while holding in a smirk, before we both turned our attention back towards the class.

"Very well, now that we've got that covered, today we'll be working in pairs to-" Flitwick couldn't even finish his sentence, before the whole class let out a groan in protest. Professor Flitwick is known for giving excessive projects in pairs. He's an excellent professor, but damn, can't he teach a class without forcing us to work with people we don't like?

He frowned at our reaction, shaking his head in disapproval. "Now now, I was going to let you pick your partners, but just for that, I'll pick them myself" He added, earning a louder groan from all of us. With his chin up, Flitwick stepped off the stool, searched for a piece of parchment from inside his bag, before making his way back up the stool. I rested my cheek on the palm of my hand as I slightly glared at the professor, watching in annoyance as he began to call out names.

"Clover Devereux" He said, catching Clover's attention. "You'll be working with Mr. Longbottom"

"Good enough for me" Clover quietly said, shrugging her shoulders. I gazed at Neville from across the room, watching as he shyly blushed at his partner. I slightly chuckled at his reaction, before turning back towards the professor. I awaited anxiously for my name to be called, my leg bouncing up and down as I picked on my nails. I don't care who my partner is, as long as it's not Ronald, anyone but Ronald. God, Please. Please. Please.

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