Chapter 30

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The Yule Ball Preparation:

Part Two

"Hermione, are you sure they sell dress robes here?" I asked a very excited Hermione, who is currently dragging me by the arm into a clothing store I had never really heard of before. I scanned the rusty looking sign hanging just above the store window, 'Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions'.

"I've told you at least a hundred times, yes" Hermione said, opening the door. The small bell hanging above the door chimed, announcing our arrival. I quickly followed Hermione inside the store, desperate to warm myself from the cold air. It's so cold that I think it might snow soon, or at least I hope.

My eyes scanned around the store, it's filled with every single type of clothing you could think of; Casual, formal, even our school robes from all the houses. The concrete walls were painted purple, making the inside somewhat dark as the soft purple curtains covered the windows. A couple of wooden mirrors hung across the store, carved with royal golden patterns throughout its top. The store was quite beautifully decorated, if I may say.

I took off my red winter coat, hanging it right next to Hermione's on the coat hanger standing right next to the door.

"Alright, come on now. The section we're here for is right this way" Hermione said, her face filled with excitement as she once again grabbed my hand, leading me towards the end of the store. Lucky for us, there wasn't many people inside, which made it easier for us to look around. Probably because it's still quite early on a cloudy Saturday morning, people are still having breakfast, but Hermione was just too eager to wait till noon.

I couldn't help but smile, as I looked at the different manikins dressed with beautiful puffy ball gowns. The Yule Ball is just next weekend, and Hermione and I are in a desperate need for a dress. I had no idea where I could possibly shop for one, but Hermione had just the place, the one which we're standing in this very second.

I watched Hermione rummage through the racks filled with different dress robes. She took out a yellow dress, examining it roughly before scrunching her nose in disgust and placing it back on its rack. I chuckled, before walking towards another rack, scanning it's beautiful dresses.

Honestly, I haven't quite thought about what type of dress I want to wear, or what color. Cedric suggested for him to match the color of his bowtie with my dress, which is a cute idea, but also puts more pressure on me to find a dress so he can buy his bowtie already.

A black dress caught my attention, and so I took it out of its rack to take a better look at it. I want to look my best, to take Cedric's breath away he sees me wearing my gown for the first time. I've never had a chance to dress up and look 'beautiful' around the boys at this school, so you can understand why looking my best during this ball is one of my top priorities.

"Isabelle, remember the ball is winter themed...I don't think black would be the best color to go with" Hermione chimed in from the rack next to mine, noticing my interest in the black dress. She's right, I don't think a black dress would fit very well with a winter themed venue.

Though, I know Draco would like it if I wear black...

I quickly shook off my thoughts, "Yeah, you're right" I said, placing the dress back in its rack. Draco isn't my date, why should I care what he would like?

I continued flipping through the dresses, trying to get the blonde haired boy off my mind. This week has been rough for me, having to walk past him down the halls without even glancing his way when usually we'd at least smile at each other, or he'd flash me one of his flirtatious winks. Not a single word has come from him ever since the last time we spoke, only slight glances across the classroom every once in a while, which usually only last a second. Honestly, I expected for him to reach out to me again once he realized I was genuinely serious when I said it was over, but a whole week has gone by, and he didn't move a single muscle to fix anything. It's been hard for me to accept the fact that he truly didn't care, that it's really over. But I think the hardest thing out of all of this is when I catch him staring from across the classroom, our eyes meet for a slight second, and it gives me hope that he's somehow regretting letting me go. But then he looks away, taking the hope along with him.

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