Chapter 44

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Pitch black. That's all I can currently see.

My once loud surroundings have suddenly become dead quiet, for which frightens me to the core. I'm no longer in the transfiguration classroom, I'm alone, completely alone in the pitch black darkness. I tried to move my legs, but they didn't budge. I tried my arms, my fingers, my toes, but nothing moved, nothing except my eyes. I feel like I've been petrified.

Oh god, what have I done? What the hell did I just get myself into?

Suddenly, the sound of running water began to fill my surroundings, followed by the sound of people talking and laughing. Slowly, my vision began to fade from black to dark blue, as shadows emerged under the now starry looking night. I squinted my eyes, trying to make out the sight before me as my vision got clearer and clearer. A wooden dock began to form, along with a couple of boats surrounding it. Further back, Hogwarts castle appeared up in the mountain, which the excited looking students walking along the dock seemed eager to get to.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself, as my frantic eyes scanned my surroundings. I'm above the dark lake, standing on the docks where the first years arrive. Only, the faces emerging from the boats aren't those of first years, but of my own.

Wait a minute...this is...this is the very first day of my fifth year at Hogwarts, isn't it?

"See you around, Grimaldi" I heard an all too familiar voice say amongst the crown, making me turn around in alert. It was only then when I realized I could move my body again, as I turned towards the edge of the dock. There stood Draco, with Crabbe by his side, the both of them looking down at one of the boats. I almost let out a scream, as I realized who they're talking to.

It's me. I'm the one standing on the boat, rolling my eyes at them as I carefully stepped closer to the edge of the dock. But...I'm standing right behind them right now, how am I seeing myself over the-

"Oh, and by the way. If I were you, I wouldn't let my guard down. It would be a shame if I got revenge when you least expect it, wouldn't it, Crabbe?" Draco added. I couldn't see his face, or Crabbe's, since I'm standing right behind them. But I can remember this moment clearly, and I can remember his evil smirk scaring the crap out of me as he said those words I'd been dreading so much. I watched as my other self's face fell for a slight second, before she quickly recovered. It's so weird, watching myself from this point of view.

"It sure would. Have a good night, Grimaldi" Crabbe said, flashing one last evil smirk before leaving me standing alone in the boat, as the both of them walked down the dock and towards the school.

What now? Am I supposed to follow them?

I gave myself one last pity filled look, watching as she...well I...swallowed in fear, before leaving her to herself and running after Draco and Crabbe. I could run through people's bodies in order to catch up to them, it's almost as if I'm a ghost, a ghost no one knows is watching their every move.

I spotted Draco's bright blonde hair shining against the torches lighting up the path to the school, and I quickly rushed closer to him.

"So what actually are you going to do? For revenge, I mean" Crabbe asked him, as they walked side by side up the hill and towards the school. A crowd of students surrounded them, though everyone was too engaged in their own conversation to listen in to theirs.

"I don't know, I'll have to think about it. But that minger will get what's coming to her. I'll make sure of it. I'll ruin her life if I have to, that bitch doesn't know who she just messed with" Draco spat, his voice filled with hate. I stopped walking, as I noticed them suddenly begin to vanish into thin air. The trees around me evaporated, followed by the castle, until everything was gone.

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