Benjamin Jones
It took me another hour to finish the worksheet and go over it with Oliver before we decided to finish studying for the night.
"Any movie preferences?" I asked him. He just shrugged.
"I don't really care. I'll watch whatever." he responded. I nodded and turned on Netflix, hoping to find something we'd both like. I watched his face as I scrolled through movies, seeing him perk up when I scrolled past Pride and Prejudice.
"What about this?" I asked. He looked over at me shocked.
"Really?" He asked, clearly surprised. I chuckled.
"Sure. I saw you get excited when I scrolled over it." I responded, suddenly feeling embarrassed for admitting that I'd been watching him.
"It's a classic. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, I like all that stuff. I've read a lot of them in upper level English classes and they've stuck with me. That's why I'm taking classic lit this year." he explained. I saw how excited he was when he was talking, making me smile. He quickly looked over at me, seemingly embarrassed by his admission. "Sorry, I know it's lame. You'll probably think it's boring." he laughed nervously. I shook my head.
"No, I'm cool with watching this. My mom really likes this movie and she's been trying to get all of us to sit down and watch it for months but we always forget." I laughed. Oliver lit up and smiled.
"Oh, okay, cool." he said. I pressed play and handed him a blanket. He quietly thanked me, his eyes barely leaving the TV as he was already glued to the screen. I smiled and wrapped a blanket around myself, settling in for the movie.
I was finding it increasingly difficult not to watch Oliver instead of the movie. He was so invested and made faces at everything that happened. I smiled watching him.
"Are you actually going to watch the movie?" he suddenly asked, a light blush on his cheeks as he looked over at me.
"Hah, yeah sorry. Guess I zoned out." I laughed, trying to play it cool, feeling my cheeks heat up as I turned to look at the screen, suddenly grateful that I'd turned the lights off.
The movie was actually really good. Oliver's laughter and little commentary throughout the movie made it even more enjoyable. As the credits rolled, he looked over at me.
"Did you like it?" he meekly asked. I nodded.
"Yeah. It was really good. I can see why you like it so much." I replied, smiling. He beamed at my response and nodded.
"I'm glad." he replied. He pulled his phone out to check his messages. "Oh shoot, I have to get home. Would you possibly be able to give me a ride home?" he asked.
"For sure. I'll go grab the keys and meet you in the car." I responded, pulling back the blanket I was under.
"Thanks, Ben." Oliver said, smiling. I felt my stomach flutter again when he said my name.
"Yeah, no problem. I'll meet you in the garage." I said. He nodded as he grabbed his backpack and headed upstairs.
I rolled down the windows partially as we drove to Ollie's house. I noticed him looking out the window, admiring the stars on the clear night. At a stop light I took a moment to look over at him. He looked comfortable, at peace, his head tilted up towards the sky and a soft smile on his face. I saw the green light wash over him and I turned back to look at the road.
When we pulled into his driveway, I felt a twinge of sadness as he grabbed his backpack and unbuckled his seat belt.
"Thanks for today, Ben."
"For what?" I asked.
"For helping with the adoption drive. And for letting me stay for dinner. And for letting me pick the movie even though I know you were bored." he chuckled.
"I wasn't bored!" I exclaimed, immediately trying to defend myself.
"Yes you were. I could tell. There's nothing wrong with it, the classics aren't for everyone." he said, a small joking smile on his face. I chuckled and shook my head. "It's okay, you can choose the movie next time." he said. I looked over at him when he said that and smiled.
"Yeah, next time." I responded. He nodded and looked at me, both of us sitting there for a second before he broke my gaze and cleared his throat.
"Okay, well I'll see you Monday." he said. I nodded.
"See you Monday. Have a good night, Ollie." I said as he opened the door and hopped out of the car and shut the door.
"Thanks. You too, Ben." he responded, smiling at me. I smiled back as he turned and headed up the driveway and to his door. He looked back at me and waved as he unlocked the door. I waved back and started to back out of the driveway, watching to make sure he got inside.
When he disappeared inside, the door closed behind him, I slowly drove away, smiling the whole way home.

Not a Love Story
Romantik*C O M P L E T E D* "This isn't like that stupid book, Oliver." "What do you mean by that?" "I mean this isn't a love story." - - - - Oliver Green is smart. With a dream of becoming a successful doctor, Oliver is always studying in hopes of attendin...