Eighteen // Not My Most Flattering Moment

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Benjamin Jones

I woke up to my head pounding, the light streaming through the curtain blinding me. I groaned and rolled over to my nightstand, seeing a glass of water and a bottle of Advil.

"Fuck." I groaned, slowly sitting up. I saw a sticky note on the Advil bottle as I reached for the glass of water.

Make sure to take at least two. And drink lots of water. Hopefully the headache isn't too bad:)

- Oliver

I grinned at the note in my hand, popping two pills in my mouth and washing them down with water. Memories from the night before slowly started trickling into my head.

"Oh god." I groaned, my head falling into my hands as I remembered stumbling around, Ollie picking me up after I drunkenly called him. Over and over and over again. I remembered his arm wrapped around my waist, supporting me as I wobbled to his car.

I looked back down at his note, smiling again. I reached for my phone.

i'm sorry about last night. thank you for your help

I sent the message to Oliver and slowly swung my legs off the side of my bed, lowering myself down onto the floor. I rummaged for a sweatshirt and pulled it over my head before heading downstairs to get breakfast. I saw a note on the fridge in my mom's handwriting.

Running errands. Be back this afternoon, love you!

I made some eggs and toast and ate them in silence, head still dully throbbing. I pulled my phone out of my pocket when I felt it buzz.

how're you doing? you weren't in great shape when I dropped you off last night

My lips quirked up in a small smile.

hanging in there. but seriously, thank you. i would've been screwed if you hadn't showed up

I sent the message and headed back upstairs to lay down.

why were you wandering around drunk last night?

I read Ollie's message lying down on my bed, the curtains pulled to keep all the light out. I thought back to last night, the memories still slightly hazy.

The music was loud, really loud. The beat was shaking the floor. Josh hollered as we entered, making our entrance very clear. I immediately grabbed a cup and poured myself a drink, hoping it would make this night more enjoyable.

"Ahaha! Look who finally ditched the nerd!" Josh yelled, pointing at me. I felt my chest tighten at Josh's mention of Ollie. I forced a smile and lifted my cup as a makeshift cheers.

Looking around the darkened room, crammed from wall to wall with sweaty, dancing teenagers. I sighed and took another sip. Something about this atmosphere just didn't feel like it used to. I missed the quiet comfort of Ollie's basement, the calm feeling of being around Ollie in general.

Since when did I get so attached to Oliver? I thought, genuinely surprised by my own thoughts. Josh came up to me and threw his arm around me, shoving another drink in my hand.

"C'mon, Jones. You're not gonna stand by the wall all night!" Josh exclaimed pulling me into the crowd.

A few hours later I was well passed buzzed. I was downing any drink in my reach, just trying to get through this night and make it somewhat enjoyable. I was dancing with some girl, lights flashing and the drink in my hand nearly empty again. I excused myself to go get another drink.

"Yo, we're heading out." Cal said, clapping me on the shoulder. I nodded, stumbling through the crowd to get outside. "Jesus, Jones. How much did you drink?" Cal asked, watching me struggle to keep my footing.

"I dunno." I slurred. Cal gave me a concerned look.

"My car's full so you're gonna go with Josh. Okay?" he confirmed. I nodded. Cal clapped me on the shoulder again and got in his car as I headed towards Josh's.

"C'mon Jones, after party at mine!" Josh exclaimed, earning cheers from the teammates in the car.

"Can you just drop me off at mine? I think I'm done for the night." I said.

"Man, what happened to the old Jones? You would usually be all for an after party. This dude's boring." Josh taunted, gesturing at me as he snickered at the others.

"Fuck you, Josh." I retorted, walking away. I heard Josh mumble something and slam the car door, the engine starting and the car driving away. I groaned and looked around, not recognizing my surroundings.

I started walking, hoping I'd stumble across somewhere familiar. I'd made my way about five blocks before I realized how hopelessly lost and drunk I was. I pulled my phone out, fumbling to unlock it.

I gravitated to Ollie's name, calling until I heard his voice float through the speaker.

josh was having some after party and wouldn't take me home. guess my drunk ass thought i could make it back myself

I typed, sending the message before putting my phone back in my nightstand and closing my eyes, hoping a nap would quell the throbbing in my head.

My mom softly knocking on my door work me up.

"Benny? Have you been sleeping all day?" she asked, opening the door and peaking her head inside my room.

"I was just taking a nap. I was feeling a little under the weather." I replied, stretching my arms.

"Oh no, do you need to stay home from school tomorrow?" she asked, rushing into my room to feel my forehead. I chuckled.

"I'm fine, mom. I was just tired." I said. She gave me a concerned look but withdrew her hand from my forehead.

"Dinner's almost ready. Come down when you're ready." she said, closing the door behind her. I groaned and reached for the Advil, downing two more pills with water before grabbing my phone.

he just left you there? did he see how drunk you were?

he was just as drunk. guess our judgement was a little impaired

I sent the message and watched as the three dots popped up.

more than a little from what I saw last night

I let out a light laugh before typing out a message.

yeah, sorry you had to see that. not my most flattering moment i'm sure

I sent the message, turned my phone off and got out of bed to head downstairs for dinner.

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