September 3rd.

297 19 3

calum what is your problem, calum stop being such a crybaby, calum why are you such a freak, calum you're so dumb, speak up oh wait you cant!

        Those are just some of the words I hear everyday, at school and home.

My name is Calum,and im 18 years old, and I am mute.  Not many people accepted it, and it didn't help that I was gay too. I don't trust easy anymore. All my 'friends' leave me within a week.

    There's ashton, he's the only one who has stayed with me, we have known eachother since 3rd grade.

    Good news too, schools starting up soon, note my sarcasm.

   I don't even know why I go to school, like if I can't talk whats the point. Every year its the same thing. New year, new teachers, teachers who don't know anything and teachers who call on the mute kid in the back, teachers who send you to detention when you don't answer, teachers who pity you when they find out you're mute. I truly don't understand my purpose, sometimes I just wonder, what would life be like without me?

   It's not like my mom would care, i can tell she hates me, if I wasn't here she would only have to deal with Mali, my talented perfect sister. I'm just a burden to Ashton, and Mali.

  But I live each day, hoping that I'll regain my voice, hoping that everything will get easier. There's a little part of me that wants to hope all this will happen, but I know better than to hope. All anyone tells me is to hope. It's been 14 years.


a/n so hii! I know that this pretty much sucks but it will get better I promise! Feedback is appreciated, dm me anytime (:


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