Part 23

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Hobi- well Kai you not leaving this place.

As they were talking I was trying to get out of JK & JM grip. All I wanted to do was beat the life out of him.

Hobi- let's go.

Hobi leaves as JK & JM drag me out if the room.

You- that piece of shit let me kill him already!!!

I growl and talk through gritted teeth.

Jimin- hey Taehyung clam down you need to be there for y/n. Let's not go crazy okay.

I let out a heavy sigh.

You- alright let's go.

We all walk upstairs and when we arrive in the living room I'm greeted with a happy y/n who runs over to me hugging me.

Y/n- babe! Omg I'm so glad to see you.

You- this is the first time your calling me this.

She lets me go and I see her blushing.

Y/n- i-i'm sorry I won't call you that again.

She looks down. I lift her face up by her chin.

You- I never said I didn't like it.

She smiled a little.

Y/n- so can I call you babe?

You- of course my princess.

She giggles and I place my lips into her soft plump ones. She immediately kisses back.

Jin- you know your not alone.

Yoongi- get a room. *Gags*

We pull away and that's when she noticed jimin's, Hobi's, and my hands.

*Y/n POV*

After pulling away from our kiss I feel my face burning like crazy. As I look down I see Tae's hands covered in blood with some cuts I look around and see jimin and Hobi's hand are the same way.

You- so... who's in the basement?

They all looked shocked.

Jungkook- how did you know.

You- well Hobi, Jimin, and Tae all have boody hands and on top of that you and them all came out of the basement.

Jin- you fit in so we'll.

They all smile.

RM- I'll treat your hands.

You- I'll treat Tae's you can do Hobi's and Jimin's.

RM- of course.

Tae and I walk to our shared room and I grab the first aid kit.

Tae- you know I can do this myself.

You- I'm your girlfriend I want to do this. And by the way is Yoongi's test and training over?

Tae- his training is he's got a couple more tests to go through.

You- when will my training begin.

Tae- your very impatient.

You- I want to be able to protect myself and I want to get back at my dad.

Tae- we can start your trading over the weekend okay.

The Mafia's Princess [Complete ✔️] Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now