Part 34

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Once everyone was dead my dad tried to run. Let's just say Jungkook caught him immediately.

Tae- Jungkook, Yoongi stand at the front door. Hobi, Jin go out back.

They all do what their told. As we walk in I see my mother in the middle of the kitchen in her knees while Jimin has a gun to her head.

Jimin- y/n what do you want me to do?

You- keep her there I'll deal with her once I'm done with my dad.

Taehyung practically dragged him up the stairs. We reach the bedroom and Tae throws him in. He stands by the door and hands me his gun.

Dad- y/n darling you wouldn't hurt your father would you?

You- oh daddy dearest you wouldn't hurt your own daughter would you?

He didn't respond.

You- I thought so.

*Bang!!* *Bang!!*

I shot him in his right shoulder and left thigh. He screamed in pain as I smiled. I walked over to him as he's sitting their bleeding out and I speak.

You- you know every girl deserves to have a relationship with her dad. But I don't know what happened after Jackson died you charged. You'd beat me and almost kill me multiple times! Well it's my turn.

I step in his left thigh with my right foot where I shit him and he yells in pure agony. My left foot steps on his right arm. I bend down making sure he deals the pain.

You- this is for every slap.

I stick my pointer finger in the bullet hole. He screams clearly in pain but that doesn't stop me.

You- this is for every cut and every punch.

I stick my middle finger in as well.

You- this it for making me fear you for taking everything thing away from me.

I stick my ring finger in and I swear he would have passed out from the pain.

You- and lastly this is for every insult and every drop of blood.

I stick my pinky in but I didn't stop there I twist my hand as my fingers stretch his skin blood rushes out. All you hear is his screams and begs. Once I was satisfied I stand. As I walk away I hand Taehyung the gun.

You- *whisper* kill him.

*Taehyung's POV*

After y/n left the room I walked over to her dad.

You- hello father in law.

Dave- you peace of shit!

You- I don't think your in any place to be talking to me like that.

I walk closer to him and my baby did good because he couldn't move. Once I reach him I kneel down and whisper in his ear.

You- this is for hurting my princess.

I stand up and shoot him directly in the head.

*Y/n POV*

Once I reach the bottom of the stairs *Bang!!* I knew he was dead. I walk over to Jimin and my mom.

Mom- y/n your not going to hurt me right?

As I look at my mom I see bruises on her face I knew he had been beating her because I wasn't around.

The Mafia's Princess [Complete ✔️] Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now