Part 39

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*Taehyung POV*

Y/n had called me once school ended saying she's be a bit late that she had to walk home. I understood that because Yoongi came home feeling sick. It was about half an hour later.

You- she should be home by now.

I grab my keys and leave the house. I drive up to her school looking as the side of the road hoping to see her walking...instead I caught something that made me angry, sad, scared, worried, and anxious all at the same time. I saw y/n bad on the side of the road. I get out and walk over not only do I see her bad but I see what looked like a struggle when't on. There were marks in the dirt and her strap was ripped plus I saw a white cloth next to her bag and I thought the worst. I call the others quickly.

You📱- guys!!

RM📱- what?

You📱- y/n's been taken!!!

RM📱- what!!??! Hold in let me put you on speaker!

You📱- guys all her stuff's been left on the side of the road and theirs a cloth indicating she's been knocked out!

Yoongi📱- all my fault!

Jin📱- what! No it isn't.

Yoongi📱- yes it is. If hadn't of gotten sick I could have driven her home and she wouldn't have been taken!!

Hobi📱- it's not your fault you got sick hyung!!

You📱-  Yoongi it wasn't your fault but we need to find her fast I'll be on my way back with her things Namjoon hopefully you can find anything. Hobi you and Jungkook come down here and see if you can find any fingerprints or hair or something over here I'll mark a flag over here so you know where to stop.

Jungkook📱- on it. Lets go hyung.

You📱- alright I'll meet you at the house.

I hang up and place a yellow flag down. I hope my princess is okay.

*Y/n POV*

I wake up with a pounding headache. I open my eyes only to see one stream of light being poured into the room by on small window. It was a dark creepy room. I go to hold my head but I couldn't I then noticed I'm tied to a chair in the middle of he room then yesterday all started coming back.


I was ready to have a nice chit chat with Yoongi once I got home he left me alone and I got GOD KNOWS WHAT spilled on me by JENNIE!! I walk outside of the school expecting to see him but he wasn't there so...

You- I guess I'm walking.

I call Tae and tell him I'll be later than usual. I was half way home when someone grabs me from behind and puts a white cloth over my face after a bit of struggling I black out.

*End of flashback*

My eyes start to get teary and I'm now scared not only for my life but what will happen to Tae when I'm gone. Just as I'm thinking of him the door swings open and three men walk in.

You- wh-who are y-you?

???- are you scared little girl?

???- come on baekhyun you know boss won't be happy with you tantalizing our bate.

Baekhyun- Oh be quite suho! Or should I say shit head. Hahahah!!

???- both of you shut up!

Suho- not like it wasn't your idea to come and check on her with out bosses permission chen!

???- all if you shut up!!! Now it was chen's idea to come down here?

Chen- hehe...uh boss...I-didnt mean it-i

???- whatever! How is she?

Suho- she's fine scared but she's okay.

???- perfect.

You- wh-why am I-I here?

Baekhyun- boss can I tell her?

???- no let's have Kai tell her.

You- k-kai!?

???- yes Kai.

Kai walks in with a smirk.

Kai- thought I was still in the basement huh? Well JB and Lucas got me out while you all when't out to eat one day. Sice you all forgot to check on me cause your clumsy ass took up all their time. Your here because our boss.

He points to the man standing in the doorway.

Kai- Mr. Bam Bam wants to be the all time mafia and he deserves to be. He deserves to be the most feared, loathed person ever so we'll use you. so your "boyfriend" will let everyone know that he's no longer on top and that Bam Bam is.

I couldn't say anything.

Kai- awe cat got your tongue.

You- are you going to hurt me?

Bam Bam- no. Not yet first well inform Taehyung that your here and what I want if he refuses or takes violence I will hurt you.

I gulp.

Bam Bam- alright let's leave her alone.

They all go and leave me in the dark room.

*Next morning*

I wake up to he door being opened.

Suho- morning beautiful.

I hated that he called me that. I didn't reply.

Suho- you know just cuz boss won't hurt you doesn't mean I won't.

I widen my eyes thinking the worst.

Suho- awe is baby scared.

He walks closer as I try to get untied but it didn't help and just hurt blood starts dripping from the cuts I was getting from the rope. He gets up in my face.

Suho- once boss gives me the okay I'm going to ruin you.

*Taehyung POV*

Im pacing in my room.

Hobi- it's okay Tae we'll find her.

You- it's been a day already! I promised to keep her safe!! We have no way of tracking he down and who knows what he's doing to her!!

Yoongi- I can't take this!

RM- we have a call!!!

You- give!!

I grab the phone and my eyes darken at the voice on the other end.

You📱- what have you done to her!!!

Bam Bam 📱- awe Tae that's not how you greet me.

You📱- you don't! Take! My! Girl!

The Mafia's Princess [Complete ✔️] Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now