Not So Alone (intrulogical fluff)

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Since it's my comfort ship, have some fluffy intrulogical. With a side of angst. And Remus being Remus ofc (If there are any misspellings, please tell me, and constructive criticism would be amazing, thank you)

Logan POV

I lie in my bed, staring at the stars on my ceiling. What is this? Is it a feeling, one of those icky emotions? I ask myself. It feels like I'm the only one here, I'm... alone. None of the others ever listen to me anymore, why does it matter anymore. I zoned out, and barely noticed a figure open my door and creep into my room.

I sit up in my bed and look to the door. Apparently I looked somewhat distressed, because I heard a soft "You okay nerd?" from the figure by the door. "Remus?" I asked, and the figure stepped out of the shadows.

"Hello Remus, what brings you here?" I asked him

"Bored, a bit lonely." he replied, he looked... tired.

"Are you okay? You seem fatigued." I wanted to make sure he's okay, because I... care... about him? I have no clue where that came from. I don't care, I don't have feelings.

"Huh? Oh, just a bit tired. Can I chill with you?" he asked, already flopping onto my bed.

"Yes, but do I even have much of a choice?" I inquired

"Nope." he looked at me with a goofy grin. I felt... tingly, and fuzzy inside. I'll look into that later, I hope I'm not sick... "But can we watch one of your cool documentaries?" he asked

He wants to watch documentaries with me? Huh, strange, most of the others make up fake excuses and come up with reasons not to when I ask to watch with them. Hey, there's that fuzzy feeling again. Strange.

"Sure Remus. Would you like to choose it?" I gestured to one of my bookcases, one of the shelves was filled with documentaries.

He looked for a moment before picking one about deep sea life. One of my more favored topics. He sets it up and flops back onto my bed. He shimmied over so he was next to me and pressed play on the remote.

At one point I realised the documentary had outdated information, before I could catch myself, I started rambling. I noticed that Remus had put his head on my shoulder. "Sorry, I didn't catch myself, I was rambling." I went quiet again.

Remus POV

I adjust myself and look up at him. "No, it's fine, I like it when you ramble ya nerd." I cuddle up closer to him.

He looked at me like I had a penis growing out of my forehead. "Really?" he asked me.

"I mean yea, I ramble about a bunch of random shit all the time, it's nice to hear someone else do it too. And your voice is kinda nice." I nuzzle my head into his shoulder, "It's, kinda relaxing I guess."

He shifts himself around "That is... strange. The others think it's annoying and try to shut me up when I start ranting about something informational." He looks deep in thought.

"Well, fuck them." I adjust myself so I'm looking at him. "If they can't see how amazing you are, and how much you care, then they're just assholes." I see a light dusting of blush show up on his face.

"T-thank you Remus. That made me feel... something. And that isn't normal for me." he sounded puzzled.

"Well did it feel good?" I asked him suggestively before I could stop myself. "Shit. Sorry." His ears went bright red and there was a light blush creeping its way onto his cheeks.

"It's fine Remus. And I think it was a happy sort of feeling? I'm not really sure, feelings are not my forte." He says sighing

Logan POV

I let my body relax into his touch. I feel calm. And secure. Strange.

"Well, I guess that's good then." he says, nuzzling further into my shoulder.

"Well. Thank you. This is fun. Your presence is having my brain release oxytocin and serotonin." I let a small smile across my face.

"Release what?" he asks, highly confused.

"Oxytocin and serotonin, happiness chemicals." I reply, with a simple enough answer.

"Oooh, does that mean you liiike me?" he asks, sounding like a small child.

My face heats up and my ears get a bit redder. "I-it could, potentially mean I have feelings for you, yes."

His face goes a bit red, "Well... can I uhh... kiss you?" he asks, lifting his head off of my shoulder, air hit the place where Remus' head was resting just a few seconds ago it felt cold after being used to the heat of the other's body

Blush creeps over my face again. "I-I uhm... i-if you would like to."

He leans close to my face and presses his lips to mine.

It felt good, it felt... right. I melt into him.

He cups my face in his hand, as an automatic response, my arms snake around his neck, and my lips part. Our tongues go in one another's mouths. He carefully takes off my glasses and puts them to the side. We melt into each other.

It was one of the best feelings in the world.

I hope you have a great day! Special thanks to my bro Jack, go check him out @just2berandom Feel free to give constructive criticism :D Word count: 849 

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